July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Irrational diet and endocrine disorders are causes of thyroid cancer also

Irrational diet and endocrine disorders are causes of thyroid cancer also


Irrational diet and endocrine disorders are causes of thyroid cancer. The occurrence of thyroid cancer is not only related to unreasonable diet, but endocrine disorders are also the “curse”.


In addition to staying away from bad habits, it is recommended that everyone exercise moderately, which not only promotes metabolism, improves human immunity, but also releases stress, thereby preventing endocrine disorders from occurring.


When it comes to cancer, many people think of common stomach cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, etc., but in fact, thyroid cancer is also one of the malignant diseases with an increasing incidence, and its arrival is not low in damage, in addition to causing patients to appear Hoarseness, goiter and other manifestations.



As the disease progresses, eating may even be affected. As a result, patients may experience symptoms of malnutrition, which in turn reduces the body’s immunity.


Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of cancer, it is necessary to find the “trigger” and then to prevent it in a targeted manner.

Doctors say that the occurrence of thyroid cancer is mostly related to the following four factors. No matter men or women, don’t touch it again.



1. Unreasonable diet

Clinical investigations have found that an important reason why the incidence of thyroid cancer has increased year by year is the unreasonable diet, especially office workers, who are troubled by busy work every day, and they are hungry for meals, or just order takeaways.

Everyone knows that these bad eating habits may damage organ function, especially if you eat too much food such as salt and other condiments, thyroid diseases will come uninvited.


Because iodine is the raw material for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, when the intake is too small, it is easy to cause goiter, and too much intake can cause hyperthyroidism and even thyroid cancer.

Resident dietary guidelines suggest that the total amount of salt intake by adults should be controlled within 6 grams per day.


2. Heredity

Doctors said that the incidence of thyroid cancer has increased, which may also be caused by genetic factors, because 5% to 10% of clinical cases show the characteristics of family genetic history, and most of them are chromosomal dominant inheritance.

Although there is no medical evidence that thyroid cancer must be inherited, the case shows that when someone in the family suffers from the disease, the offspring are more likely to get the disease.

Therefore, such people should be reminded that they should have regular physical examinations in their lives.


3. Radiation exposure

Exposure to ionizing radiation is also a risk factor for inducing thyroid cancer, because a previous research report on the incidence and risk of cancer in radiation workers showed that the occurrence of thyroid cancer is related to long-term exposure to x-rays, especially the head and neck.

If you are frequently exposed to radioactive materials, the possibility of causing the disease is even higher. Therefore, people who are engaged in frequent exposure to X-rays, CT and other ionizing radiation are reminded to take preventive measures.


4. Endocrine disorders

In the case of endocrine disorders, the amount of thyroid hormone secretion changes, which affects its normal function.

The factors that lead to endocrine disorders include a variety of factors, including unbalanced diet, smoking and drinking, staying up late, excessive stress and bad mood.

It may promote abnormal secretion of thyroid hormones and increase the risk of cancer.


Therefore, if you want to prevent the arrival of thyroid cancer, you must develop good habits in your life, ensure a balanced nutrition, go to bed early and get up early to stay away from tobacco and alcohol, and release your stress in time to prevent it from happening.


All in all, in addition to some genetic factors, other causes of thyroid cancer are unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as the unreasonable diet mentioned above, staying up late, smoking and alcohol abuse, and the effects of radiation. .


At this time, in addition to staying away from bad habits, it is recommended that everyone exercise moderately, which not only promotes metabolism, improves human immunity, but also releases stress, thereby preventing endocrine disorders from occurring.





Irrational diet and endocrine disorders are causes of thyroid cancer also

(source:internet, reference only)

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