July 26, 2024

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WHO: Mutant strains in India can evade some of the vaccine antibodies

WHO Chief Scientist: The mutant strain raging in India is more contagious and can evade some of the vaccine antibodies


WHO: Mutant strains in India can evade some of the vaccine antibodies.  The chief scientist of the World Health Organization said that the new coronavirus variant strain B.1.617 circulating in India is more contagious and may evade some of the antibodies of the vaccine, causing an outbreak in the country.

According to Agence France-Presse, the chief scientist of the World Health Organization, Soumya Swaminathan, warned on the 8th: “The epidemiological characteristics we see in India today do indeed show that this is a mutation that can spread extremely quickly. Virus strain.”

Although the Indian government has been working hard to control the epidemic, the deteriorating epidemic has overwhelmed its healthcare system, and many experts suspect that the official death toll and case numbers are seriously underestimated, and the peak of the epidemic has not yet arrived.

Swaminathan, an Indian pediatrician and clinical scientist, said that the B.1.617 mutant strain that was first discovered in India in October last year is clearly an influencing factor for the out-of-control epidemic in India.

But so far, the WHO has not included this strain on the final candidate list of “worry variants”-this classification means that the virus variant is more dangerous, more transmissible, deadly, or capable of Get protection from the escape vaccine.

At present, the health authorities of several countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, have listed B.1.617 as a worrisome mutant strain. Swaminathan said that she expects the World Health Organization to make adjustments soon.

However, she believes that the rapid increase in the number of cases and deaths in India cannot only be attributed to the mutant virus, but that India seems to have relaxed its vigilance prematurely, and there has been “shocking social gatherings.” Many Indians believe that the crisis is over and have given up wearing masks and other epidemic prevention measures, but the virus is still spreading quietly.

Although India is now trying to expand the scale of vaccination to control the epidemic, Swaminathan warned that vaccination alone is not enough to control the situation.

India is the world’s largest vaccine producer, but among more than 1.3 billion people, only about 2% are currently fully vaccinated. She said: “It will take months or even years to reach 70% to 80% coverage.”

Swaminathan also emphasized that in the foreseeable future, the world needs to rely on tried-and-tested public health and social measures to reduce transmission. She said: “The more the virus replicates and spreads, the greater the possibility of mutations and adaptation. The mutant strains that have accumulated a large number of mutations may eventually become resistant to our existing vaccines.


(source:internet, reference only)

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