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A study of 52000 people: Does milk increase the risk of breast cancer?

A study of 52000 people: Does milk increase the risk of breast cancer?

A study of 52000 people: Does milk increase the risk of breast cancer? After investigating 50,000 women in 8 years, a US study found that: Does milk increase the risk of breast cancer?

In daily life, everyone says that drinking milk is good for your body and can strengthen your body. However, some people say that drinking milk will cause breast cancer. What is going on?

1. A study of 52,000 people: Does milk increase the risk of breast cancer?

In fact, this statement is not groundless. Researchers at Loma Linda University in the United States once published a study in the International Journal of Epidemiology, indicating that drinking milk is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in women.

Researchers assessed the relationship between intake of milk and other dairy products and breast cancer risk based on information about 52,795 North American women’s diet, family history of breast cancer, physical activity, alcohol consumption, hormones, and some reproductive and gynecological medical history. None of these women had cancer before participating in the study, and their average age was 57.1 years. This study conducted an 8-year follow-up of these women. During the follow-up period, a total of 1057 new cases of breast cancer occurred.

Researchers adjusted the relevant variables and found that there is a significant relationship between milk intake and breast cancer. Women with more milk intake are at greater risk of breast cancer.

  • Drinking 1/3 cup of milk daily increases the risk of breast cancer by 30%;
  • Drinking 1 glass of milk a day will increase the risk of breast cancer by 50%;
  • Drinking 2-3 glasses of milk a day will increase the risk by 70~80%.

The first author of the study, Dr. Gary E Fraser, analyzed that the reason why drinking milk is related to the risk of breast cancer may be because milk contains high levels of sex hormones, and breast cancer is a hormone-sensitive cancer.

But this does not prove that drinking milk will cause breast cancer. The study only summarizes the relationship between milk intake and increased risk of breast cancer, but there is no direct evidence that the two are causal.

In addition, there are limitations in the research. The research is mainly aimed at middle-aged and elderly people. However, many cancer risk factors play a role in children and adolescents in early adulthood. In research on adolescent diets, there was no relationship between dairy intake and the risk of breast cancer in the future.

Some health experts pointed out: Although milk contains ingredients that promote breast cancer, it also has ingredients that inhibit breast cancer. A single dietary factor will not have certain effects on breast cancer disease.

A study of 52000 people: Does milk increase the risk of breast cancer?

2. Drinking milk every day has obvious benefits

Although milk contains some ingredients that promote breast cancer, it does not directly induce cancer. You can drink milk with confidence in your life. Drinking milk can bring a lot of benefits to your body.

The world’s authoritative medical journal “The Lancet” published the results of a study involving 130,000 people in 21 countries in the world. The study lasted 9.4 years. Involving multiple indicators such as all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality, the results of the study show that two servings of dairy products a day (a dairy product: refers to 244 grams of milk/yogurt, or 15 grams of cheese, or 5 grams of butter) can reduce The all-cause mortality rate was 17%, and the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was reduced by 23%.

In addition to reducing all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality, the benefits of drinking milk include these:

1) Strengthen the brain

The glutathione content in the brain of people who drink more milk is much higher than that of others. Glutathione can reduce some of the oxidative damage caused by the brain’s operation, which is very beneficial to brain health.

2) Bone

Drinking 250ml of milk can get 260mg of calcium. Drinking milk is the most direct and effective way to replenish calcium and strengthen bones. From the perspective of calcium supplementation, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in milk is appropriate, and it also contains vitamin D, lactose, and amino acids that can promote calcium absorption. It is the main source of calcium in the diet.

3) Longer and taller

The average height of a child who consumes 250ml of milk a day will be 0.4cm higher than the average height of a glass of other plant-based dairy products a day.

4) Anti-depression

Compared with people who do not consume dairy products, people who drink full-fat yogurt every day can reduce the risk of depression by one-third. Drinking yogurt regularly can reduce brain activity related to mood and pain.

3. There are so many types of milk, how to choose?

There are many types of milk on the market, and different types of milk are suitable for different people. We will teach you to choose milk products that suit you.

1) Whole milk

Whole milk retains the nutrients in milk to a large extent, but contains relatively high fat content. For healthy adults and children, there is no need to worry, and it can be consumed with confidence.

2) Low-fat milk

People with dyslipidemia and weight loss should not consume too much fat, especially saturated fatty acids. Low-fat milk is the best choice for these people.

3) AD milk

Middle-aged and elderly people have poor gastrointestinal absorptive capacity, and their calcium loss and vitamin deficiency are more obvious. Therefore, it is recommended to choose AD milk for drinking.

4) Low lactose milk

People with lactose intolerance should choose products marked with “low lactose” or “hydrolyzed lactose” when choosing milk.

5) Pasteurized milk

People who drink milk often can choose pasteurized milk. This type of milk has been sterilized at low temperatures to retain most of the milk’s nutrients, but it has a short shelf life and needs to be consumed as soon as possible.

The nutrient elements contained in milk are very much needed by the body. You don’t need to “demonize” milk too much. You can choose the milk that suits you according to your own situation in your life. You can drink it with confidence.

(source:internet, reference only)

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