July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Will breast hyperplasia get worse and eventually become breast cancer?

Will breast hyperplasia get worse and eventually become breast cancer?



Will breast hyperplasia get worse and eventually become breast cancer?

In recent years, the incidence of breast diseases has continued to increase, which has plagued women’s health, and breast hyperplasia has become a common disease.


According to statistics, 50% to 70% of urban professional women have breast hyperplasia. There are always some anxious females who feel that they will be over if they have breast hyperplasia and will turn to breast cancer.


In fact, the nature of breast hyperplasia is the imbalance of estrogen due to some reasons. Excessive estrogen levels can cause breast epithelial and mesenchymal hyperplasia and incomplete involution (mammary gland function has not been effectively restored).


The normal structure of the breast caused by Disorders, the proliferation of breast tissue in the long run can not completely disappear, resulting in hyperplasia of mammary glands.


In women of different age groups, the clinical manifestations of breast hyperplasia have different characteristics. The main symptoms of young women who have not given birth are periodic breast tenderness and breast lumps. The tenderness can affect both sides at the same time, but most of them are more severe on one side.


The pain is obvious before menstruation, and it is reduced or even disappeared after menstruation. The whole breast has a diffuse nodular sensation, accompanied by tenderness. Perimenopausal and postmenopausal women often present with cystic nodular hyperplasia, often accompanied by dull pain, pain, or burning.


These symptoms make breast hyperplasia sound terrible, but what is the truth? 



Will breast hyperplasia get worse and eventually become breast cancer?






Can breast hyperplasia be cured by taking medicine?


Mammary gland hyperplasia is a group of chronic diseases or disease processes related to endocrine disorders. Medications can be used for hyperplasia and pain. But hyperplasia of mammary glands is a kind of cardiogenic disease, and many psychological diseases such as anxiety and depression can be caused. If the psychological effects are not removed, only medication has little effect.




Can breast hyperplasia become cancerous?


If you are diagnosed with breast hyperplasia, you don’t need to be too nervous. There is a fundamental difference between breast hyperplasia and breast cancer. The cancer rate of simple breast hyperplasia is 0.1%, which is not terrible, and the process of breast cell canceration does not necessarily go through the stage of breast hyperplasia.

Breast hyperplasia is a normal physiological phenomenon. Doctors will only recognize pathological breast hyperplasia. For example, long-term stimulation of mammary ducts and mammary epithelium may cause dysplasia, which can lead to breast cancer. Therefore, breast hyperplasia needs to be regular Follow up to the hospital.


Breast diseases are divided into benign, borderline, and malignant diseases. The benign ones include proliferative diseases, fibroids, cysts, lipomas, papilloma, etc.; borderline cystosarcoma phyllodes; malignant diseases include lymphoma, breast cancer, Breast metastasis and so on. If hyperplasia is left as it is, benign diseases will also become malignant, coupled with the increase of environmental pollution, food additives, late marriage and childbirth, mental stress, stress and other factors, there is a process of normal breast epithelial transformation to malignant transformation, namely hyperplasia → dysplasia ( Precancerous lesions)→Carcinoma in situ→Invasive cancer.





Will needle biopsy for breast hyperplasia accelerate canceration?


In fact, needle biopsy is a fast, convenient and accurate method to determine the nature of the disease. Practice has proved that hollow-core needle puncture is a safe, effective, simple and rapid method for pathological diagnosis of breast masses.

It has been used as a routine method for identifying breast masses abroad for many years.  Therefore, patients can feel free to accept hollow-core needle puncture.

Moreover, once the nature of the disease is quickly determined, especially the tumor, its subsequent treatment (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) also leaves the tumor no respite and brings survival benefits to the patient; on the contrary, if the diagnosis is not timely, the nature of the disease is not understood, and the treatment is not Timely, it will lead to tumor metastasis and recurrence.





Can breast hyperplasia be prevented?


First of all, women should establish a good lifestyle, adjust their pace of life, maintain a good mood, actively participate in sports and social activities, and avoid unhealthy emotions such as tension and anxiety;

secondly, they must learn and master the breast self-examination method, and develop breasts once a month. Self-examination habits. The best time for self-examination should be after menstruation or in the middle of two menstrual periods.


At this time, the breasts are relatively soft, no tenderness, and easy to find abnormalities. Finally, the most important thing is that the majority of women should actively participate in breast cancer screening, once a year. Physical examination. Regardless of the “breast hyperplasia” little evildoer or the “breast cancer” devil, it is a powerful defensive “weapon” for early detection of possible precancerous lesions or cancers.






(source:internet, reference only)

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