July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months?

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months?


The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months?

Over 3.4 million subjects verified that the protective effect of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% after 5 months

How protective is the Pfizer mRNA vaccine against COVID-19?

The Ministry of Public Health of the United Kingdom and the Ministry of Health of Israel respectively released real-world data on the prevention of Delta mutant strains in their country’s vaccines, but the two results are surprisingly different.



Protection against infection: 88% vs 39%


On July 23, 2021, CNBC reported the latest results reported by the Israeli Ministry of Health, which is extremely worrying. The Israeli report shows that Pfizer/BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine is only 39% protective against symptomatic COVID-19 caused by the Delta mutant strain in Israel.


According to this, Israel began to vaccinate its citizens with the third dose of vaccine as a booster on July 30.


At the same time, on July 21, 2021, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published the public health department’s vaccination against Delta real world protection data, this is the first published vaccine against Delta mutant strains Of real-world validity research data. Fully inoculated with Pfizer mRNA vaccine, the protection against symptomatic COVID-19 caused by the Delta mutant strain is 88%.


Both of these values ​​are correct, and an in-depth analysis of the data behind them, we found that: the reduced protection of vaccines occurs in

1) prolonged vaccination time;

2) the elderly.


In the data of the United Kingdom and Israel, the vaccination time is completely different and the proportion of elderly people is very different, so the results obtained are naturally different.


But there are two problems that have been floating in our minds and lingering; these are:

1. Did the Delta mutant strain reduce the protection of the vaccine?
2. Will the vaccine still protect us after half a year?


On October 4, 2021, an American scholar’s study of more than 3.4 million people was published in The Lancet. The results showed:

1) After Pfizer’s vaccination, the protection against infection was reduced from 88% to 47% at 5 months;
2) The reduced protection of vaccines against infection is due to the decrease in immune antibodies over time, rather than the Delta mutant strain evading the vaccine;
3) Fully vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine, the protection against hospitalization/death from COVID-19 at 5 months is still maintained at 88%!



The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months


We look at the situation of the defensive crowd in this study:

From December 14, 2020 to August 8, 2021, the electronic health record of Kaiser Permanente Southern California, a healthcare organization in California, USA.

A total of 3,43,957 subjects were included, and 52.4% were women. All are 12 years old and above, and the median age is 45 years old.


The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months



The epidemic prevention weapon for this group of people: Pfizer-BioNTech’s BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine.

This vaccine is also one of the three most protective vaccines developed by humans.

Situation of the mutants of the new coronavirus on the offensive side:

The new coronavirus continues to mutate and alternately attack humans until the most infectious mutant strain of the new coronavirus, the Delta mutant strain, is screened. This is also one of the three most infectious viruses in human history.

Delta mutant strains began to appear in California in April, but only accounted for 0.6%; but by June, Delta began to account for more than half, and in July, Delta mutant strains became the absolute mainstream strain (86.5%).



The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months




Indicator: Protection against infection (within 1 month)

Within 1 month of complete vaccination, the vaccine’s protective power against COVID-19 is 88%, of which 80% among the elderly 65 years and older.

Among them, the protection against infection with the Delta mutant strain was 93%.

At this stage, human beings rely on powerful vaccines to defeat the COVID-19 virus, and the number of new cases of COVID-19 has plummeted. After the United States declares Independence Day, the people will be independent from the harm of the COVID-19 virus; the United Kingdom declares Freedom Day, the people are free, and there is no need to fear COVID-19; Israel has become a model and admiration for all countries in the world.



The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months
The protection of vaccines against COVID-19 continues to decline



Indicator: Protection against infection (at 5 months)

At 5 months of complete vaccination, the protection of the vaccine against COVID-19 has dropped to 47%, and 43% for people 65 years of age and older.

Among them, the protection against infection with the Delta mutant strain was 53% (at 4 months).

In view of the fact that this stage is catching up with the Delta mutant strain, the director of the US CDC burst into tears on the spot, sending out despair and panic that “the battle has changed”. Subsequently, the United States followed Israel and initiated intensive vaccination.

Indicator: Protection against severe illness/several death (within 1 month)

Within one month of complete vaccination, the vaccine’s protection against severe/severe COVID-19 is 87%, of which the protection against infection with the Delta mutant strain is 93%.


The protection of vaccines against severe illness/death remains unchanged



Indicator: Protection against severe illness/death (at 5 months)

At 5 months of full vaccination, the vaccine’s protection against severe/severe COVID-19 is 88%, almost unchanged.

American medical scientists believe that since humans cannot prevent infection by the Delta mutant strain, they need to abandon the practice of relying on universal vaccination to prevent infection; instead, they will focus on the prevention of severe illness/death, but the current vaccine is sufficient to complete this prevention. Severe tasks, so only need to pay attention to and protect vulnerable and susceptible people.

Accordingly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have successively rejected the US President Biden’s plan to boost vaccination for all adults, and only give it to immune dysfunction, the elderly over 65, and the combined high-risk Intensify vaccination for adults with underlying diseases and adults at high-risk jobs.




  1. At 5 months of vaccination, the protective power of Pfizer vaccine against the new coronavirus is only 47%;
  2. However, the protective power of Pfizer vaccine against severe illness/death remains unchanged, at 88%;
  3. The Delta mutant strain has no immune escape, but it is extremely infectious.


It is precisely because of the emergence of the Delta mutant strain that humans’ hopes of eliminating COVID-19 through vaccination have almost been dashed, and they have to accept the “new normal life of the COVID-19 virus”, that is: no longer overemphasize the prevention of infection, but emphasize prevention Severe illness/death.


According to the data from Los Angeles, USA, after full vaccination, the disease severity rate is 3.2%, and the case fatality rate is reduced to 0.2%;
The just-released oral antiviral drug of Merck can reduce the seriousness rate of high-risk infections by 50%, and the treatment group has no deaths (8 deaths in the placebo group).
Through the mode of vaccination prevention + oral antiviral treatment, return to a new normal life can be expected.


But we are even more looking forward to the fact that friends wear masks and isolate them. These drugs do not need to be used. I hope that there will be no diseases in the world and no drugs on the shelf will cause dust.





Paper link:

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months?

(source:internet, reference only)

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