September 18, 2024

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Another active duty member died from COVID-19 after US Navy compulsory vaccination

Another active duty member died from complications of the COVID-19 after US Navy compulsory vaccination.


Another active duty member died from COVID-19 after US Navy compulsory vaccination


[Global Network ] The U.S. Navy announced on Wednesday that another active duty member had died from complications of the COVID-19. At least two have died from the COVID-19 this month. US media reports show that when the news was released, the US Navy was forcing active and reserve forces to be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19.


Another active duty member died from COVID-19 after US Navy compulsory vaccination

Photo of Michael Huberstonef who died of complications from the COVID-19Photo of Michael Huberstonef who died of complications from the COVID-19


According to a report on the website of the US “Army Times” on October 21, the US Navy said that the 42-year-old senior weapons officer, Michael Huberstonef, died on October 10 from complications related to the COVID-19 virus. He was diagnosed positive on September 2 and was hospitalized on September 9.


According to reports, Huberstonef is affiliated with the Joint Special Operations Intelligence Brigade in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.


According to the Pentagon’s data, at least 70 active servicemen in the US military have died from complications of the COVID-19, of which at least 15 were from the US Navy.


According to the report, as of October 20, 93% of the U.S. Navy’s active-duty forces have been fully vaccinated, and 98% of its personnel have received at least one dose of the vaccine. The number of vaccinations for U.S. Navy reserve personnel is low, 78% have been fully vaccinated, and 83% have received at least one dose of the vaccine.


The U.S. Navy requires active duty personnel to receive the last dose of vaccine before November 14th, and reserve personnel to be vaccinated before December 14th to meet their respective deadlines for full vaccination, namely November 28th and December 28th.


Earlier, the U.S. Navy announced the establishment of the COVID-19 Joint Disposal Agency, aimed at expelling those who refused to compulsory vaccination policy.


(source:internet, reference only)

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