July 26, 2024

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712 died: Taiwan with highest mortality rate after COVID-19 vaccination

712 died: Taiwan with highest mortality rate after COVID-19 vaccination


712 died: Taiwan with highest mortality rate after COVID-19 vaccination. 

712 people died suddenly after being vaccinated! Taiwan has the highest mortality rate after vaccination in the world. 

A total of 712 people died suddenly after vaccinating the COVID-19 vaccine in Taiwan, most of which involved the AstraZeneca vaccine.


712 people died after vaccination, of which 565 were vaccinated against AZ

There were 712 deaths after vaccination in Taiwan, including 565 in AZ, 141 in Moderna, and 6 in high-end. The Blue Commission’s control command center did not perform the inspections that should be done, but pushed them to chronic diseases, and even died of high-end vaccines. In the case, it was attributed to drug overdose, etc., and Chen Shizhong was required to explain to his family members and give justice to the deceased.

According to China Times News, the KMT “legislator” Wu Yiqin pointed out that some people died suddenly after being vaccinated. Forensic doctors could only tell the family members the cause of death. But whether it was induced by the vaccine, they did not provide any evidence. Thrombus-related immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) and Anti-PF4 tests have not been performed, and whether the death is related to vaccination must be determined by the expert meeting of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Wu Yizheng questioned that at least 6 tests should be done for sudden death caused by vaccines, including immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), platelet fourth coagulation factor antibody, Anti-PF4 Antibody, speaking factor concentration, etc., but forensic physicians did not target at all. Whether it’s due to the vaccination and the death is tested, and the adverse event reaction test is not in charge of the institute. How do you know if the vaccine is fatal?

Among the cases of sudden death after vaccination, more than 141 cases were subjected to forensic examination, and about 50 of them were submitted to the government’s vaccination victim relief review team for review. At present, none of them has been reviewed yet, and it can be clarified whether it was caused by the vaccine. Sudden death detection was not done at all, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Justice are still pushing the ball to each other.



Vaccination mortality rate is highest in the world

According to a Taiwanese media TNL report, data show that the mortality rate after vaccination in the United Kingdom (0.0019%) is only slightly higher than that of the United States (0.0018%), and the post-vaccination mortality rate (0.0122%) in Taiwan as of June 28 is higher than that of the United Kingdom and the United States. It is 6.6 times that of the United Kingdom and 6.9 times that of the United States.

According to the “Freedom Times” report, the “Legislative Yuan” KMT group had previously held a press conference to question the high mortality rate after vaccination of AstraZeneca in Taiwan. The KMT group secretary Zheng Liwen said that the death rate after the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia in Taiwan was “horrifying.” “Far beyond the world, the mortality rate after vaccination with AstraZeneca has set a world record. Taiwanese people are afraid that if they are not vaccinated, there will be a risk of infection, and there will be a shadow of death after vaccination. Everyone does not know what to do.


Taiwan’s death toll from AstraZeneca vaccination is still the highest in the world. The first batch of AstraZeneca vaccines was 117,000 doses from South Korea. In the same batch, 609,600 doses of AstraZeneca were shipped from Italy through COVAX (COVID-19 Pneumonia Vaccine Implementation Plan). The second batch of Silikon vaccine, 1.24 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from Japan, began to suffer sudden deaths after the distribution of vaccination.



Does it have anything to do with AZ quality?

According to the analysis of Taiwanese media TNL, as of June 28, most of the targets of Taiwanese vaccines were elders over 75 years old, while the targets of the British and American vaccines had already extended to adults. Since most of the deaths after vaccination are elderly people, especially those with chronic diseases, Taiwan’s post-vaccination mortality rate is bound to be higher.

In addition, a doctor Lin in Taipei believes that after the COVID-19 virus raged in Europe and the United States last year, a large number of elderly people with chronic diseases and living in nursing homes died.

After the vaccine is started, the vaccinated elderly are relatively healthy, so the mortality rate after vaccination is low. On the other hand, Taiwan, after all, not long after the epidemic broke out, and the proportion of sick and weak elderly deaths due to the virus is not as high as that in Europe and the United States. Therefore, the mortality rate after vaccination is higher than that in Europe and the United States.

In summary, the timing, procedures, progress, and dynamics of the vaccine delivery in Taiwan so far may be the reason why Taiwan’s current post-vaccination mortality rate is higher than that of foreign countries, and these reasons are not directly related to the quality of AZ. .

When the number of doses of Moderna vaccine administered in Taiwan increases and the difference in mortality from AZ vaccination is noticed, these factors must also be carefully considered.



Another death from Moderna vaccination in Japan

In addition to Taiwan, Japan has also experienced frequent vaccination deaths recently.

According to Duowei News, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare stated on September 6 that a total of 3 deaths occurred in the country in which a public died after being vaccinated with the American drug manufacturer Moderna’s new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) vaccine. The cause of his death will be investigated.


712 died: Taiwan with highest mortality rate after COVID-19 vaccination. 


The 49-year-old man died on the next day and the 12th after receiving the second dose of the vaccine on August 11. The deceased was allergic to buckwheat, but the cause of death is unknown. The vaccine he received had no foreign matter, but it was the same batch as the vaccine in question.

Japan has discovered in August that two men died after being vaccinated with Moderna. The vaccine that the two vaccinated was also free of foreign matter but was produced at the same time and on the same production line as the problematic vaccine. The causal relationship between the cause of death and the vaccine is unknown.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare stated that in addition to investigating the cause of death in detail, it will also understand the causal relationship with vaccination through expert meetings.


(source:internet, reference only)

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