July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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A man in New Zealand received 10 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine a day

A man in New Zealand received 10 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine a day


A man in New Zealand received 10 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine a day, expert: this is not a case

(Observer Network News) Beware of the invasion of the COVID-19 variant virus “Omicron”, countries have upgraded their anti-epidemic policies, including mandatory vaccination and border control.

Some opponents of the vaccine are trying their best to avoid vaccination. In addition to the previous exposure in Italy that men “wore fake hands to get the vaccine,” New Zealand has hired people to “vaccinate on their behalf.”


Recently, the New Zealand media revealed that a man who took advantage of the loopholes in the system “paid vaccination” and received 10 doses of Pfizer vaccine a day was criticized by experts as “dangerous, stupid and selfish.”


A man in New Zealand received 10 doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine a day

Screenshot of “New Zealand Herald” report



According to the “New Zealand Herald” report on December 11, the New Zealand Ministry of Health found that a man visited several vaccination centers within a day, impersonated others to vaccinate 10 doses, and received related remuneration for replacement vaccination.


According to reports, in New Zealand, people do not need to show their identity when vaccinated, which allows imposters to take advantage of the loopholes.

The man’s actions were condemned by many vaccine and immunology experts. Helen Petousis-Harris, a professor at the University of Auckland, called his actions incredibly selfish and criticized the vaccination as “stupid and dangerous”.

This is not an isolated case. She has heard of some people who are unwilling to be vaccinated and spend money to hire someone to fight on their behalf.


Harris said that in order to improve the efficiency of vaccination, people do not need to show a photo ID when vaccinating, but this “loophole” is easy to be abused by some people.

Although the impostor man is unlikely to die from a “vaccine overdose,” he will definitely experience muscle soreness.

Moreover, injection of more than the recommended dose of vaccine not only does not produce a stronger immune response, but may also make the vaccine ineffective.

For example, Harris said that in other countries, a person injected a whole bottle of undiluted vaccine (equivalent to five doses) at a time, but no serious side effects occurred.


In response to this incident, Astrid Koornneef, head of New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccine and immunization program, said that the New Zealand Ministry of Health is seriously investigating the matter.


Kournev explained that the doctors responsible for vaccination are in a highly trusted environment, relying on people’s integrity and sharing information accurately to help them with treatment.

Kournieff emphasized that it is very dangerous to vaccinate by impersonating others, which puts the health of both the replaced and the impersonator under potential threats.

The New Zealand Ministry of Health did not disclose the name of the man and the location of the incident, but suggested that the man go to the hospital to see a doctor as soon as possible.


The British “Guardian” reported on December 12 that New Zealand is expected to achieve 90% of the double vaccination target for eligible people (12 years old and above) before Christmas, but there is still a small number of people who are unwilling to be vaccinated.


Since the outbreak of the epidemic last year, the New Zealand government has adopted strict anti-epidemic measures including regional lockdowns, case tracking, entry and exit control, etc., in an attempt to use New Zealand’s unique geographical location to “clear” the country’s cases.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on November 22 that from midnight on December 2, the country will abandon the policy of “zeroing cases” and adopt a new anti-epidemic policy of “coexistence with the virus”. Strategy.

After more than three months of lockdown measures, Auckland, the country’s largest city, will also be unblocked on December 15. 




A man in New Zealand received 10 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine a day

(source:internet, reference only)

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