October 5, 2024

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Israel pushes for the 4th dose of vaccine: Antibodies will become 5 times after 1 week

Israel pushes for the 4th dose of vaccine: Antibodies will become 5 times after 1 week


Israel pushes for the 4th dose of vaccine: Antibodies will become 5 times after 1 week. 

Israeli Prime Minister Bennett quoted a domestic study on the 4th that said that one week after the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the body’s antibodies can increase by five times. 


On January 04,  Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett today quoted the preliminary results of a domestic study saying that one week after the fourth dose of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) vaccine, antibodies in the body Can be increased to 5 times the original.


Bennett said at Sheba Medical Center: “One week after the fourth dose, we are more certain that the fourth dose is safe.”


Bennett told reporters: “The second news is: We know that one week after the fourth dose, the number of antibodies in the vaccinated person has increased by five times.”


He said in English: “This is very likely to represent (the 4th dose) a significant increase in (the ability) to resist infection, hospitalization and (severe) symptoms.”


As Israel’s cases of the Omicron variant surged, the Shiba Medical Center tested the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (the so-called fourth dose) against its employees.


Israel leads the world in research on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The country was the first country to promote two doses of vaccine to the general public a year ago, and it was also one of the first countries in the world to administer an additional dose (the third dose).


Israel is currently administering the fourth dose of Pfizer/BNT (Pfizer/BioNTech) vaccine to people over 60 years of age, medical staff, and immunocompromised persons. (Translator: Yang Zhaoyan/Verified Draft: Shi Shi) 1110104


Israel pushes for the 4th dose of vaccine: Antibodies will become 5 times after 1 week



▼Israel vaccination status chart (per 100 people)

Israel pushes for the 4th dose of vaccine: Antibodies will become 5 times after 1 week






Israel pushes for the 4th dose of vaccine: Antibodies will become 5 times after 1 week

(source:internet, reference only)

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