July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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First time in Germany: COVID-19 cases exceeded 310K in one day!

First time in Germany: COVID-19 cases exceeded 310K in one day!


First time in Germany: COVID-19 cases exceeded 310K in one day!


The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Germany exceeded 310,000 for the first time and the incidence rate of COVID-19 reached a new high. 


On March 24,The epidemic data released by the German CDC on the 24th showed that the number of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 pneumonia in Germany in the past 24 hours exceeded 310,000 for the first time.

At the same time, the COVID-19 incidence index used to monitor the severity of the epidemic also hit a record high of 1,752. Federal Health Minister Lauterbach called on the elderly to receive a booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible.


Germany introduced the most stringent epidemic prevention measures in history!


The German disease control agency Robert Koch Institute announced on the 24th that the number of new diagnoses and the number of new deaths were 318,387 and 300, respectively. As of that day, Germany had a total of 19,596,530 confirmed cases and 127,822 deaths.

The total number of patients requiring intensive care in the ICU decreased by 6 to 2,329 that day; at least 63.1 million people in the country have been fully vaccinated so far, accounting for about 75.9% of the country’s total population, and at least 48.6 million people have been vaccinated Strengthen the needle, accounting for 58.4% of the total population.


Germany’s COVID-19 incidence index (the average cumulative number of new diagnoses per 100,000 people in seven days), which is used to monitor the severity of the epidemic, continued to rise to 1,752. The previous day the value was 1734.2 and a week ago it was 1651.4.


Federal Health Minister Lauterbach called on the elderly to receive a booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. He said the vaccination centres were open for vaccinations at any time. “Everyone over the age of 70, everyone who is immunocompromised, who has cardiovascular problems, get the next shot or the first shot quickly to avoid death from infection in the last few weeks before summer.”


Free testing for citizens under the current COVID-19 testing regulations expires on March 31. Lauterbach said that this will be adjusted according to the situation. If the situation requires, citizens can also conduct free testing after May 31. “Testing remains a proven tool.”


He called on citizens to continue to use the test even if the negative test certificate is no longer required in bars, dance halls and other places. Get tested when visiting family and friends, celebrating, attending events, and especially before meeting someone with a weakened immune system.





First time in Germany: COVID-19 cases exceeded 310K in one day!

(source:internet, reference only)

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