July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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UK: The polio vaccine booster recommended for all children aged 1 to 9 in London

UK: The polio vaccine booster recommended for all children aged 1 to 9 in London


UK: The polio vaccine booster recommended for all children aged 1 to 9 in London. More polio virus strains detected in UK. 

The UK Health Security Agency said in a statement on the 10th that more strains of the virus were detected following the detection of a “vaccine-derived” type 2 poliovirus in London sewage samples earlier this year.

The UK government’s scientific advisory body on immunisation recommends a polio vaccine booster for all children aged 1 to 9 in London.


UK: The polio vaccine booster recommended for all children aged 1 to 9 in London


The UK Health Safety Agency and the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Administration are in further upstream sampling following the discovery of poliovirus type 2 in effluent samples from London’s Becton sewage treatment plant between February and May, the agency said in a communiqué.

At least one poliovirus-positive sample has been identified, and lower concentrations of the virus have also been found in other parts of London.

The levels of poliovirus detected and the high genetic diversity among strains of poliovirus type 2 suggest that the virus has spread beyond a few closely related individuals.


The agency said 116 strains of poliovirus type 2 had been found in 19 sewage samples collected in London between February 8 and July 5 this year, a few of which had mutated into what could be classified as “vaccine-derived”.

Poliovirus type 2, a virus that is “more concerning” and can, in rare cases, cause paralysis in unvaccinated individuals.


The Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation, the UK government’s scientific advisory body on immunisation, has recommended a targeted inactivated polio vaccine booster for all children aged 1 to 9 in London.


Vanessa Saliba, an epidemiological advisor to the Health Security Agency, said in the statement that there are no reported cases of polio, and the risk is low for most people who have been fully vaccinated.

But in London, the region where the virus is currently circulating has the lowest vaccination rates, and people who are not fully vaccinated are at greater risk.


Health Security is continuing to strengthen sewage surveillance to assess the extent of virus transmission, and is also working closely with health agencies in the United States and Israel and the World Health Organization to investigate the link between the virus identified in London and recent polio events in both countries .

New York state reported a case of polio in July this year, the first in the United States in nearly 10 years.


The UK reported the last case of polio so far in 1984. Polio, commonly known as polio, is an acute infectious disease caused by the polio virus, mainly affecting children under the age of 5.

There is currently no cure for polio, and vaccination remains the most cost-effective way to prevent and control the disease





UK: The polio vaccine booster recommended for all children aged 1 to 9 in London

(source:internet, reference only)

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