September 19, 2024

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German court hears first case of suspected side effects of COVID-19 vaccine

German court hears first case of suspected side effects of COVID-19 vaccine


German court hears first case of suspected side effects of COVID-19 vaccine

German vaccine manufacturer BNT (BioNTech) is facing its first lawsuit in Germany on June 12 because it was accused by some users of its COVID-19 vaccine of causing adverse effects.

This is one of the earliest and most popular vaccines in the world, and it has been launched for more than 2 years.


German court hears first case of suspected side effects of COVID-19 vaccine


Agence France-Presse reported that the advent of the deadly COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic that emerged in early 2020 led to closed borders and millions of people trapped at home. Life-saving straw.


However, this type of vaccine, which was developed in a short period of time and obtained emergency use authorization, has now become the focus of legal proceedings in several countries such as France and the United Kingdom. The prosecution claims that these vaccines have violated their health.


In Germany, a court in Hamburg today heard a case against the BNT vaccine, the company that teamed up with US drugmaker Pfizer to produce the first mRNA vaccine, Comirnaty.


The trial was adjourned today after lawyers for the prosecution challenged the judge’s impartiality at the last minute and demanded a multi-judge ruling on the case.


According to the court, a female plaintiff is seeking 150,000 euros in damages after she stated in her complaint that she experienced “pain in the upper body, swelling of the extremities, exhaustion, fatigue and sleep disturbance” after being vaccinated.


Her lawyer, Thomas Ulbrich, is representing another 250 people in similar cases. He said his clients were “all healthy” before they developed symptoms.


According to the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), Germany’s official agency responsible for approving vaccines, 338,857 cases of suspected side effects, including 54,879 serious adverse events, were reported out of the 192 million doses of the vaccine administered in Germany.





German court hears first case of suspected side effects of COVID-19 vaccine

(source:internet, reference only)

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