September 18, 2024

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Cat coronavirus spreading: 300K cats died and 90% fatality rate

Cat coronavirus spreading: 300K cats died and 90% fatality rate



Cat coronavirus spreading: 300K cats died and 90% fatality rate. A cat coronavirus has spread rapidly in recent months.

According to News in Cyprus, known as “Cat Island”, more than 300,000 cats have died.

After the mutation of this feline coronavirus, it can cause a fatal disease called feline infectious peritonitis.

Symptoms include: fever, abdominal swelling, weakness and so on.


Cat coronavirus spreading: 300K cats died and 90% fatality rate



It is important to note that this virus is highly contagious in cats, but it is not transmissible to humans.


According to the head of an animal welfare organization in Cyprus, the virus has a high morbidity and mortality rate, with about 90% of cats dying. About 300,000 cats have died since January this year.


Accompanied by the high fatality rate is the high cost of treatment. The price of therapeutic drugs is very expensive. It costs about 3,000 to 7,000 euros to cure a sick cat.


Experts said that if the virus continues to mutate, the number of cats will be greatly reduced, and the virus may even have spread to cat populations in neighboring countries.


There is already some evidence that the virus may have emerged in Turkey, Lebanon, and if it spread to the UK, it would kill many cats there.


According to public information, the Mediterranean island country of Cyprus is one of the first areas on earth to domesticate domestic cats, so it has the title of “Cat Island”. But many of the more than 1 million cats are stray cats, leading to the continuous spread of feline coronavirus, which is difficult to diagnose and record.


The ultimate solution may be a vaccine. “It is very likely that pharmaceutical companies will develop a vaccine against cat coronavirus,” some experts said.





Cat coronavirus spreading: 300K cats died and 90% fatality rate

(source:internet, reference only)

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