July 26, 2024

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COVID-19: 82 People Quarantined Due to Argentina Beef

COVID-19: 82 People Quarantined Due to Argentina Beef Imported By China


COVID-19: 82 People Quarantined Due to Argentina Beef imported by China .

Jingmen city (Hubei, China) notified that the outer packaging of imported cold chain food was positive: 82 people were quarantined. 

As of December 3, Jingmen City has fully sealed and controlled the Duohui cold storage in the Diaodao District. The batches of cold chain food involved were all sealed, and the market environment was completely eliminated.

All directly contacted personnel have implemented centralized isolation medical observation; The nucleic acid test results of the remaining external environment, packaging and samples of Hui cold storage, and 18 direct contacts were all negative.


COVID-19: 82 People Quarantined Due to Argentina Beef
Health staff is checking imported food in China.



On December 2nd, after 1 imported cold chain food outer packaging of Duohui cold storage in Dadao District tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, the imported cold chain food prevention and control team of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters carried out follow-up related disposal work, as of December At 9 a.m. on the 4th, 82 related personnel were quarantined in a centralized manner (18 of them were directly in contact with Argentine frozen beef, 41 of their relatives living together, and those who had contact with other frozen foods transported by the logistics cold chain truck 23 people).

Nucleic acid and serum antibody tests were performed on 82 people, and the results were all negative. 720 samples of employees in the Duohui market were sampled, and the nucleic acid test results were all negative.


Earlier, Jingmen issued a WeChat public account on the 3rd, stating that on the afternoon of December 2, the disease control department of Jingmen City, in accordance with the requirements of Jingmen City on “full coverage of imported cold chain food testing”, frozen the inventory of the cold storage in the Duohui cold storage area.

When the food was tested for the nucleic acid of the new coronavirus, it was found that one sample of the imported frozen deboned cattle fore tendon imported from Shanghai Yangshan Port was positive.

The city and district headquarters quickly adopted emergency measures such as cargo storage, personnel inspection and isolation, site blockade and elimination, overnight sampling and nucleic acid testing of the environment and staff outside the cold storage, and simultaneous epidemiological investigations.


After investigation, the overseas manufacturer of this batch of Argentine frozen boneless fore tendons is AMANCAY SAICAFI, the container number is MORU0714983, the registration number is 1974, and the production batch numbers are 01/09/2020, 14/08/2020, 21/08/ 2020, 25/08/2020;

A total of 25 pieces of this batch of goods flowed into Jingmen City, which arrived at Shanghai Yangshan Port on October 28, and were shipped to Zhengzhou City, Henan Province on October 30; arrived at around 10:00 on November 15 In the Duohui cold storage in the knife area, the batch of Argentine frozen deboned beef fore tendons are all stored in the Duohui cold storage, and this batch of goods has not flowed into the Jingmen market.


As of December 3, Jingmen City has fully sealed and controlled the Duohui cold storage in the Diaodao District.

The batches of cold chain food involved were all sealed, and the market environment was completely eliminated. All directly contacted personnel have implemented centralized isolation medical observation;

The nucleic acid test results of the remaining external environment, packaging and samples of Hui cold storage, and 18 direct contacts were all negative.


Jingmen City will continue to conduct a comprehensive investigation of all cold-chain foods in the city, and conduct nucleic acid tests on all staff members of Duohui Cold Storage in Dadao District, and the results will be announced in time.

The general public is requested to consciously abide by the epidemic prevention and control measures, do not buy imported cold chain food online, insist on washing hands frequently, ventilate frequently, disinfect frequently, wear masks scientifically, and maintain social distance.





COVID-19: 82 People Quarantined Due to Argentina Beef Imported By China

(source:internet, reference only)


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