July 26, 2024

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Decades of stem cell development

Decades of stem cell development

Decades of stem cell development. Because stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various human cells and tissues, they are also called universal cells in medicine.

When it comes to stem cells, what impression do you have? Is it tall, expensive, magical, or… In fact, stem cells are not strictly a new technology, but there are not many people who know it, and they have not really entered the lives of the people. This also gives it a layer of mystery. veil.



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Pioneers in stem cell research



Stem cell technology had its embryonic form more than a century ago. In 1908, scientists put forward the initial concept of stem cells at a blood disease conference in Berlin. By 1957, the world’s first stem cell transplant was successfully implemented. A few years later, scientists from Canada, Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till, formally opened the door to stem cell research for us.

Strictly speaking, stem cells have been officially used in the field of medical treatment for more than 60 years. During these 60 years, countless scientists have further studied and worked hard on the basis of their predecessors. In 1997, they did a sensational world! The Americans used stem cells to cultivate the cloned sheep Dolly. It was the world’s first mammal developed from adult cells, and it was also the first life created by humans!

Dolly the Sheep

In the following year, this technology made a real breakthrough. In 1998, two US experimental teams independently cultivated human pluripotent stem cells from human embryonic tissues. Since then, the research results of human embryonic stem cells ranked first in the “Science” magazine, among the top ten scientific and technological advances in the world in 1999; in 2000, “Time” Weekly ranked it as the top ten scientific and technological achievements in the world at the end of the 20th century. The emergence of stem cells makes it possible for humans to dream of immortality.

By 2007, Shinya Yamanaka of Japan and John Gordon of the United States had transcribed four base genes, reversing ordinary skin terminal cells into stem cells with regenerative ability, which is equivalent to more than eighty years old. The old man turned into a newborn baby, making it possible for a single cell to rejuvenate. This cell was named IPS cell, and Professor Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2012, and he has become famous ever since.

Decades of stem cell development

With the support of the Nobel Prize, stem cells have become even more popular. The public’s attitude towards them can also be divided into two groups. Supporters believe that stem cells have excellent effects on certain terminal diseases and are undoubtedly a technology that benefits mankind. The opponents deny it from the safety and ethics of cell technology.

In order to ensure the safety of stem cell therapy, Japan formulated and promulgated a series of laws and regulations as early as 2014, adding stem cell therapy to government supervision and implementing and promoting it by government organizations.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are primitive cells with the potential for self-replication and multidirectional differentiation. They are the cells of origin of the body and form the primitive cells of various tissues and organs of the human body. Under certain conditions, it can differentiate into a variety of functional cells or tissues and organs. The medical community calls it “universal cells”. According to the developmental stage of stem cells, they are divided into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. In other words, stem cells solve the problem from the root cause and develop cells into cells, tissues, muscles, etc., which are needed by damaged parts, and have a very powerful repair effect!


Effects of stem cells

Everyone knows that the cells in the human body are in the process of new city metabolism throughout their lives. For example, skin epidermal cells are renewed every 28 days, and small intestine cells are renewed every 3 days. No matter what kind of cells they are, they are always undergoing regeneration-aging-apoptosis- In the new cycle, stem cells play a logistical role in this cycle. Once a type of cell withers, it will immediately differentiate into new cells to fill it up.

Because stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various human cells and tissues, they are also called universal cells in medicine. As for the effect, I have heard from customers who have done stem cell projects before that after the stem cells are treated, they cannot be said to be back to 18 years old immediately, but the skin is younger, sleep is improved, fatigue subsides, memory and concentration are better than before. , The disappearance of some minor problems can be really felt.

At this stage, it is common to use mesenchymal stem cell culture and infusion to achieve the effects of improving immunity, promoting metabolism, and enhancing cell viability, which is what we call-“anti-aging”.

(sourceinternet, reference only)

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