July 26, 2024

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British Prime Minister: Fatality of mutanted COVID-19 may be higher

British Prime Minister: Fatality of mutanted COVID-19 may be higher


British Prime Minister: Fatality of mutanted COVID-19 may be higher. British Prime Minister Johnson: The mutant new coronavirus discovered in the UK may cause higher death rates.

British Prime Minister: Fatality of mutanted COVID-19 may be higher

British Prime Minister said the fatality rate of the mutant new coronavirus “may be higher” .  British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on the 22nd that the mutated new coronavirus reported in the UK “may have a higher fatality rate”, but the two new coronavirus vaccines currently in use in the UK are effective against the mutated virus.

Johnson said at the press conference: “We learned today that the mutant new coronavirus that was first discovered in London and the southeast (England) not only spreads more quickly, there seems to be some evidence that it may be associated with a higher mortality rate.”

Johnson said that this mutated new coronavirus poses “heavy pressure” on epidemic prevention, but existing information shows that the two vaccines currently in use in the UK are effective against both the “old virus” and the “new variant.” The two vaccines are jointly developed by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in the United Kingdom and the University of Oxford, and vaccines jointly developed by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. in the United States and New Biotechnology Corporation in Germany.

Patrick Valance, chief scientific adviser to the British government, said at the press conference that from the data of hospitalized patients, there is no difference in the mortality of patients infected with the “old” new coronavirus and the mutated new coronavirus, but from the data of all confirmed infections, the mutated virus The risk of death of infected persons is “increased.”

Valance cited the 60-year-old male population as an example. For every 1,000 “old” new coronavirus infections, about 10 people are expected to die; and for every 1,000 mutated new coronavirus infections, about 13 or 14 people are expected to die.

He also said that the existing evidence on the fatality rate of the mutated new coronavirus is “not strong enough” and comes from “a series of differentiated information.” “I want to emphasize that there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding these numbers, and we need to do more to accurately grasp them.”

The United Kingdom announced the discovery of the mutant new coronavirus in December last year, which is believed to accelerate the spread of the epidemic in parts of the UK. South Africa reported the discovery of another mutant new coronavirus later in the same month. Some studies have shown that the transmission capacity of the mutated new coronavirus is stronger, but there is currently no evidence that the new coronavirus vaccine is ineffective against the mutated virus.

The epidemic data on the website of the British Ministry of Health on the 22nd showed that the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the UK exceeded 3.583 million, with an increase of 40,261 in a single day; the cumulative number of deaths was close to 96,000, with an increase of 1,401 in a single day. In the past 7 days, the United Kingdom has reported 8686 new cases of COVID-19 deaths, an increase of 16% over the previous week.

Johnson said on the 22nd that about 5.4 million people in the UK have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.


(source:internet, reference only)

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