July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Stem cell treatment cases of various diseases

Stem cell treatment cases of various diseases

Stem cell treatment cases of various diseases.   The future of medicine is the era of stem cells. As Hawking said in a documentary filmed in collaboration with Discovery about the prospect of stem cells: “We look up at the sky and think about the position of humans in the universe; stem cell scientists explore the depths of the human body and think about how to move the entire human species forward… There is a brave new world before us. I believe we can make good use of this knowledge to benefit all mankind.”

Stem cells can differentiate into a variety of tissue cells and have powerful immunomodulatory effects. In recent years, stem cells have been widely used in the treatment of various diseases in the medical field, and many successful cases have been produced.


1. Reproductive system diseases

Treatment of premature ovarian failure-make fertility hopeless “hope”

Premature ovarian failure refers to the phenomenon that women do not ovulate due to ovarian atrophy before the age of 40. At present, about 1% to 3% of women of childbearing age in the world have premature ovarian failure. This problem has become an important cause of female infertility.

At 9:19 a.m. on January 12, 2018, a burst of crying of newborns sounded in the delivery room of Nanjing Drum Tower. A baby boy weighing about 6 kg fell to the ground. The 34-year-old Ms. Fang finally fulfilled her wish to be a mother.

Ms. Fang was once diagnosed with ovarian failure leading to infertility, but as a child-loving woman, she wanted to have a baby of her own, so she moved to many hospitals and departments across the country. Finally, I went to Nanjing Drum Tower in December 2015, met with stem cells, and decided to give birth to her own baby for the last time, and this time, she finally succeeded.

Stem cell treatment cases of various diseases

Women with premature ovarian failure are like a flower that wilts from the rhizome. The egg is the “seed” and the fetus is the fruit. Without a good “seed”, how can they produce sweet fruits?

There are still many women like Ms. Fang. The Center for Reproductive Medicine has admitted 23 such patients. After treatment, 9 patients have found dominant follicle activity, 2 patients have obtained clinical pregnancy, and 2 patients have already A transferable embryo is obtained, and the endometrium is being prepared for transplantation. These women have begun to “bloom” slowly, and gradually bear young “fruits.”



2. Vascular injury diseases

Treatment of diabetic foot-“escort” for healthy limbs

In the world, people with diabetes are 15-20 times more likely to have foot disease than other people. For diabetes patients, 15% of people may have foot disease, and 85% of amputations are caused by foot ulcers.


In 2017, Wu Xiuhua, a 57-year-old citizen of Qingdao, Shandong, was found to have a diabetic foot on his right foot. Diabetic foot is a blood vessel necrosis of the lower extremities caused by diabetes, and is one of the most serious complications. Uncle Wu is in critical condition and faces right foot at any time. Amputation. In 2016, Uncle Wu lost his left limb due to diabetic foot. When the same fate was about to fall on his right limb, stem cells saved him from amputation again.

In order to save Wu Xiuhua’s right limb, the hospital boldly adjusted the treatment plan and transplanted mesenchymal stem cells to Wu Xiuhua. Because mesenchymal stem cells can significantly promote the formation of new blood vessels, the doctor said that Uncle Wu’s right limb is expected to be saved after surgery.



3. Chronic wounds caused by blood ulcers-55 days to heal difficult wounds

Under normal circumstances, a wound that fails to heal for more than 3 months can become a chronic wound. There are many reasons for chronic wounds, and they exist for several years, or even for life, which brings severe psychological and physical pressure to patients, as well as a huge economic burden.

70-year-old Ms. Chang hasn’t had a good night’s sleep for nearly 9 months. The chronic wound caused by a venous ulcer in her right lower limb has caused great physical and psychological damage to her.

In April 2017, by using mesenchymal stem cells to treat her chronic wounds, and at the same time using wound care techniques guided by the theory of wet wound healing, the wounds were quickly and effectively controlled.

After only 55 days of treatment with mesenchymal stem cells, Ms. Chen’s wound that had not healed for 9 months began to heal, and the treatment effect was very good.



4. Nervous system diseases

Treatment of Parkinson’s disease-improving the old life of the elderly

Parkinson’s disease is a common degenerative disease of the nervous system. It is more common in the elderly. The average age of onset is about 60 years old. Patients with this disease often do not realize that they are sick, because the symptoms often progress slowly, and people’s response ability will gradually slow down over time. People will gradually become sluggish and move awkwardly, and then there will be static tremors, Conditions such as muscle rigidity.


The 76-year-old Xie Xiyun is from Indonesia and has been suffering from Parkinson’s disease for more than ten years. At first, neither his family nor himself realized that he was ill. However, the long-term and slow torture of the illness caused the old man’s right hand three finger muscles to stiffen and contract and his body became rigid , Difficulty in swallowing, losing the ability to take care of themselves.

However, a few hours after receiving the stem cell transplant, Xie Xiyun was able to eat smoothly. He watched his favorite TV show that night and his other symptoms improved.

Not only the elderly Xie Xiyun’s condition has been improved. After transplanting mesenchymal stem cells containing umbilical cord into 10 Parkinson’s patients, the patients’ walking posture, limb tremor degree, autonomous movement and sitting and rising ability have been improved.

Through effective use of mesenchymal stem cells, the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease patients is not only effectively controlled, but also the damaged brain tissue function is improved and the patient’s quality of life is improved.



5. Treating paralysis-standing again after 14 years

Four years ago, a sudden car accident left Chen Shuangxi with quadriplegia. He was diagnosed with C4-6 spinal cord injury and completely quadriplegic below the level of T4, which is commonly known as “tetraplegia.” After C4-6 decompression, fusion and internal fixation, his legs still cannot walk.

From then on, a cold wheelchair replaced his legs, and he could not take care of himself. As a person, he felt that he had lost his dignity and had a very painful life. After trying various treatments such as rehabilitation, acupuncture and moxibustion, in August 2015, Chen Shuangxi began to receive stem cell therapy.


▲ Old man Chen Shuangxi stood for the first time in 14 years

On the morning of August 18, 2017, Chen Shuangxi, a 64-year-old man who had been in bed for 14 years, finally landed on his feet and started slowly with the assistance of a brace. Now Chen Shuangxi no longer needs diapers and laxatives, and he can take care of most of his daily life without the help of others. All this is due to mesenchymal stem cell therapy.


6. Information on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)–Relieve “gradual freezing”

Everyone may be a little unfamiliar when it comes to this disease, but when it comes to scientist Hawking, you may have a certain understanding of this disease. Affected patients will lose over time, limbs, driving, head and facial muscles, brain, and cranial nerve nuclei will gradually harden, and the whole person will become unable to speak or move. Therefore, patients with the disease are often referred to as “gradual freezing”. people”.


Patient Ms. Li, as one of the ALS patients undergoing stem cell transplantation, has improved her condition. When she was first admitted to the hospital, Ms. Li’s speech was slurred and it was also very difficult to swallow and eat. The upper limbs could not work hard, the lower limbs had difficulty lifting, and she basically lost the ability of daily living. However, after receiving the treatment, Ms. Li’s abilities in dressing, hygiene, and upper limb muscle strength have been improved. After a period of continuous treatment, her legs can walk away.

Through the efficacy analysis of 99 ALS patients who received mesenchymal stem cell therapy, it was found that mesenchymal stem cell transplantation can improve the motor function of ALS.


7. Treat insomnia-build a sweet dream

The increasing pressure of study and work of modern people has caused many people to suffer from insomnia, but long-term use of sleeping pills will cause physical harm. How to treat has become the current “hot spot”.

Clinical observations show that mesenchymal stem cells can improve the sleep quality of patients with chronic insomnia for a long time.


A lday  was one of the patients under clinical observation. Before receiving treatment, because of her family and work, she often couldn’t sleep well all night and couldn’t easily fall asleep after a long time.

Not having a good night’s sleep made Ms. Wang become dependent on sleeping pills, but the sleeping pills brought about side effects such as decreased memory, slow response, and abnormal sleep, which seriously affected her body, life and work.

After receiving mesenchymal stem cell treatment, Ms. Wang’s sleep quality, sleep disturbance and daytime dysfunction improved without obvious adverse reactions.


8. Bone and joint diseases

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis-farewell to years of pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by erosion of articular cartilage. I believe that most people have rheumatism in their homes. This disease can be painful, but it can cause joint deformities and even loss of life.

Uncle Zeng (a pseudonym), 60, is a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. His wrists, palms, proximal fingers, ankle joints, swelling and pain have been 16 months, but his limbs are swollen and painful, and his mobility is gradually difficult. Make him aware of the seriousness of the matter.

After admission, the hospital obtained the consent of Uncle Zeng and began to use mesenchymal stem cells for treatment. After 4 weeks of treatment, Uncle Zeng felt that his pain in his hands and legs was relieved, and his clinical response to diet, sleep, physical strength, and fatigue also improved. In the following year’s review, no side effects related to the treatment were observed.


9. Heart diseases

The treatment of heart failure-will have a dose of “Strong Heart”

An aging society has brought many problems to the medical system, and heart failure is one of them. At present, there are about 15 million patients with heart failure in our country, which has become the country with the largest population suffering from this disease in the world.

Recently, a study on the treatment of heart failure showed that mesenchymal stem cells can improve the heart function of patients with chronic dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure, help ventricular remodeling, and reduce short-term mortality.


In this study, the researchers selected a total of 59 patients and used different methods to treat them. One group was the use of mesenchymal stem cells. In the year after treatment, compared with other treatment groups, stem cell therapy showed continuous improvement in the pumping ability of the heart, and improved people’s daily functional status and quality of life.


10. Information on children’s congenital heart disease–recover a healthy heart for the child

Congenital heart disease is the most common type of birth defect. The only treatment for this disease is repair surgery, which is to replace the damaged area with a piece of tissue called a “graft”. However, as the child gets older As it grows, the heart is also developing and growing, so repeated plant operations are required. In this way, the child will continue to accept the pain from the operation.


It is said that children with congenital heart disease are angels with broken wings. When this little angel has to suffer from the endless pain caused by the treatment of the disease, something that helps them alleviate the pain was born-mesenchymal stem cells .

Professor Massimo Caputo and Paolo Madeddu of the Bristol Heart Institute used mesenchymal stem cells with strong differentiation ability to cultivate a new generation of transplants that are the same as human tissues, which are used to replace transplants that require repeated transplant operations. Perform cardiac repair surgery.


Future cell era

The future of medicine is the era of stem cells. As Hawking said in a documentary filmed in collaboration with Discovery about the prospect of stem cells: “We look up at the sky and think about the position of humans in the universe; stem cell scientists explore the depths of the human body and think about how to move the entire human species forward… There is a brave new world before us. I believe we can make good use of this knowledge to benefit all mankind.”


This concern for the destiny of mankind, the enthusiasm and confidence in cell science inspires us to continue our lives and forge ahead.



(sourceinternet, reference only)

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