July 26, 2024

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Is foam in the urine a sign of kidney disease?


Is foam in the urine a sign of kidney disease? 


 The earliest change of nephritis is the appearance of urinary protein in the urine. In this period, there are often no other symptoms or signs except urinary occult blood.


Kidney disease is called the “silent killer”. A large part of people find that kidney disease is because of proteinuria during physical examination, which is what we often call foamy urine.


Is foam in the urine a sign of kidney disease?



So, is the appearance of foamy urine a manifestation of kidney disease? In fact, there are many reasons for foamy urine, which are common in the following situations:

1. In liver and kidney disease, the content of bilirubin or protein in the urine increases, and more bubbles may be produced during urination;

2. Bladder diseases such as cystitis, bladder cancer, etc., or other urinary tract infections, make the composition of urine easy to change and produce bubbles;

3. In diabetes, the content of urine sugar or ketone bodies in the urine increases, the pH of the urine changes, and foam is also generated;

4. When there are gas producing bacteria in the urinary tract, bubbles can be produced in the urine;

5. When urinary urgency, the pressure of urination increases, the urination speed increases, and the increase of bubbles can also be seen.


In short, there are many reasons for blistering in urine. Generally speaking, if the foam is large or different in size, and the duration is short, some organic substances (glucose) and inorganic substances (mineral salts) contained in the urine make the urine strong, which is a normal foam. 


Increased protein content in the diet will also cause foamy urine. This foamy urine does not necessarily indicate a problem with the body, and there is no need to be nervous. But if the big bubble disappears quickly, be wary of whether it is diabetes.


If there is a thin layer of foam floating on the surface of the urine and it does not disperse for a long time, it is likely to be proteinuria. The results of the urine test shall prevail.


The earliest change of nephritis is the appearance of urinary protein in the urine. In this period, there are often no other symptoms or signs except urinary occult blood.


If the patient has foamy urine accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, dysuria or swelling, high blood pressure, or symptoms such as polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, and thirst, he must go to the hospital for diagnosis and take effective treatment measures. 






Is foam in the urine a sign of kidney disease?

(source:internet, reference only)

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