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These 4 signs or precursors of kidney disease

These 4 signs or precursors of kidney disease


These 4 signs or precursors of kidney disease and may develop into renal failure. When kidney failure comes, the patient’s body may show 4 abnormal signs.

These 4 signs or precursors of kidney disease

The kidney is an important organ of the human body. It can produce urine, help detoxify, participate in metabolism, regulate water and electrolyte, maintain pH balance, and ensure the normal operation of body functions.

However, when kidney function declines due to kidney damage, diabetes, high blood pressure, drugs, etc., kidney failure can occur. Once suffering from kidney failure, the patient’s body will show many signs in the early stages.


So what are the signs?

1. Edema

When kidney failure occurs, the metabolism and absorption of water in the body will be affected, and toxins and garbage are difficult to decompose and discharge, which will make the patient edema.

Different from ordinary edema, kidney failure mainly occurs in the lower limbs and ankles, etc. There will be obvious depressions when pressed, and the depressions will not recover for a long time. Sometimes the edema will be red and swollen.

Therefore, if you do not stay up late, but you have edema, you need to be alert to the possibility of the disease.


2. Foam urine

When suffering from the disease, the patient will have early symptoms of foamy urine. The foam in the urine looks relatively fine and will not dissipate for a long time. This kind of foamy urine is related to kidney failure, the glomerulus is damaged, causing the leakage of macromolecular proteins and mixing in the urine.

Although the urine will foam when you go to the toilet, the foam will not last for a long time and will dissipate in a short time.

Therefore, when the foam in the urine is too much and does not dissipate for a long time, it is necessary to check the urine protein in time.


3. Abnormal urine output

Under normal circumstances, the urinary volume per person per day is between 1000 and 2000 milliliters, and the human body’s urinary volume is directly related to the amount of water you drink. However, if the disease causes the glomerular filtration and the ability of the renal tubules to be reduced, the urine produced by the kidneys will be reduced, resulting in a decrease in urine output.

In addition, patients may also have frequent urination, urgency, and urinary tract infections.


4. Nosebleeds

In renal failure, renal function will be disordered and affect the body’s blood clotting function, resulting in signs of nosebleeds in the patient.

And long-term nosebleeds will not only reduce the body’s immunity, but also easily cause secondary anemia. Therefore, if you have an inexplicable nosebleed, you should be alert to the possibility of kidney failure.


In addition, people suffering from the disease may also have symptoms of itchy skin. This symptom is related to the decline of kidney function caused by the disease, which affects the excretion of toxins, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Although the skin may also experience itching after exposure to allergies or sun exposure, itching lasts for a short time in these cases.

Therefore, if the skin has symptoms of itching for a long time inexplicably, it is necessary to be alert to the possibility of the disease.

The above introduced to everyone the 4 abnormal signs that the patient’s body may appear when kidney failure comes. When these abnormal signs are found, the patient should go for blood, urine, ultrasound, pathology and other examinations in time.

After the diagnosis is confirmed and the specific situation is understood, the patient needs to be treated with drugs, kidney replacement or Chinese medicine according to the actual situation.

After treatment, patients also need to pay attention to the prevention of various complications such as infection, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic acidosis. At the same time, a reasonable diet, regular follow-up visits, and attention to daily condition monitoring.






(source:internet, reference only)

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