July 26, 2024

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Men may have no sperm by 2045

Men may have no sperm by 2045


Men may have no sperm by 2045.   The whole world is ushering in an unprecedented birth disaster.

“Financial Times” quoted “World Bank” data as saying that the global fertility rate has fallen by more than 50% in the past 50 years. In 1964, each woman had an average of 5.1 children during her childbearing age; by 2017, it was reduced to 2.4. The academic journal “The Lancet” predicts that by 2100, this number will fall below 1.7, which is lower than the “generational replacement level” of 2.1. By then, the total global population will only decrease but not increase.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) believes that the decline in the fertility rate may represent a success. Because the main reason driving this phenomenon is that women’s education level and social status have improved, and they have more effective contraceptive methods, making them actively choose to have fewer children.

However, “Scientific American” and “Financial Times” published an article on March 16 that all believe that this threatening global birth trough is not entirely due to personal choice, that is, social changes, women’s empowerment, economic factors, etc. only play a partial role. “What’s even more frightening is that the actual fertility of men and women of childbearing age worldwide is falling sharply, and reproduction-related problems are rising at an alarming rate,” said Scientific American.


“1% issues”, or make it more and more difficult to have a baby

“Scientific American” stated that in the past few decades, there has been a “1% issues” adverse trend in reproductive health problems.

First, the global incidence of male reproductive health problems is increasing at an annual rate of 1%. Including decreased sperm count, decreased testosterone levels, increased genital dysplasia in boys, and “younger age” erectile dysfunction. Studies have shown that from 2005 to 2017, the incidence of “no” in men under 40 increased from 13.5% to 21.7%.

In addition to the number of sperm, the quality of male semen is also changing, even affecting the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2010, the WHO released the fifth edition of the “Human Semen Examination and Processing Laboratory Manual” and actively lowered the semen qualification standards. Among them, the standard for diagnosing teratozoospermia has been adjusted from 20% of sperm deformity to 96%, and the range of “tolerance” has been significantly expanded.

Secondly, from 1990 to 2011, after adjusting for age, American women independently reported a miscarriage rate, which rose rapidly at an annual rate of 1%. Among them, the cause of most miscarriages is unknown. At the same time, the development of girls’ secondary sexual characteristics has been greatly advanced. According to statistics, the incidence of precocious puberty in children in China is 1%, that is, one in 100 children has precocious puberty, and the incidence of girls is about 5-10 times that of boys.

Thirdly, from 1960 to 2018, the global total fertility rate dropped by nearly 1% every year, and many countries had “want to give birth”. At the “Fourth Oriental Obstetrics and Gynecology Forum” in 2020, Professor Li Wen, director of the Reproductive Medicine Center of Changzheng Hospital, Naval Military Medical University, stated that the infertility rate of childbearing age in China is as high as 18.68%. Increased by 10% in 2000.

“A lot of people shrugged and disapproved when they heard 1%. But if we stretch the timeline, we will see scary changes.” Shanna, professor of environmental medicine and public health at the Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York, USA Shanna Swan said that in 2017, she and the Hebrew University team in Israel jointly published an article on Human Reproductive News, systematically reviewing and analyzing 185 studies from 1973 to 2011, involving 43,000 men worldwide, covering North America, Europe, Oceania, South America, Asia and Africa. The results showed that in the 1970s, there were an average of 99 million sperm per milliliter of semen. By 2011, the number of sperm had dropped to 47 million, which was a 53% drop in 40 years. Shanna Swan predicts that according to this trend, by 2045, men may be “no sperm.”

Men may have no sperm by 2045
In March 2015, the Christopher Bond Center for Life Sciences at the University of Missouri held the 11th Life Sciences Symposium. Shanna Swan, professor of environmental medicine and public health at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, gave a keynote speech, explaining how bisphenol A affects the reproductive ability of men and women. /MU Bond Life Sciences Center


Exposure to endocrine interferon, after three generations or no sperm

Overweight or obesity, smoking and alcoholism, stress, sedentary lifestyle…These are all high-risk factors recognized by the medical profession as “fertility-threatening”. But Shanna Swan combined her decades of research and believes that the root of the problem lies in the rise of the chemical industry in the 20th century, especially the widespread use of chemicals called endocrine disruptors.

The so-called Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) refer to chemicals that are derived from outside the human body and interfere with the human endocrine system. Including phthalates, bisphenol A, etc.

The New York Times pointed out that artificially generated EDCs are everywhere and penetrate every detail of life. For example, more than 70% of pesticides carry EDCs. Stabilizers and plasticizers are used in the production of plastic products, all of which belong to EDCs.

At present, there are many laboratory studies on bisphenol A. According to WHO data, it has weak estrogenic effects and may have adverse effects on physical, neurological and behavioral development. Food contact materials such as baby bottles, plastic tableware, microwave oven food containers, milk and beverage bottles, coatings of canned containers, and supermarket receipts, lenses, dentures, and daily toiletries may all contain BPA.

In 2013, WHO and UN Environment jointly published a research report listing nearly 800 chemical substances that may have an impact on the human endocrine system. Since then, only a small part has been studied in depth. Shanna Swan said that this is because of the continuous pressure and obstruction of major interest groups. “The chemical industry is like a tobacco company for decades, lobbying everywhere. But after 1950, products containing EDCs were mass-produced, and at the same time, the problem of declining fertility in various countries has become increasingly prominent. This is no coincidence.”

Patricia Ann Hunt, a reproductive geneticist at Washington State University in the United States, discovered through mouse experiments that the influence of EDCs is continuously accumulated and passed on from generation to generation. Young mice exposed to EDCs for a few days are more likely to develop small penises, and the number of sperm produced in the testes decreases after adulthood. This loss of sperm production will also be passed on to offspring. After more than three generations, nearly one-fifth of male mice will be infertile.

“I don’t think that long-term human exposure to EDCs will lead to extinction. But I think that a few families with infertility tend to end.” Andrea Gore, professor of neuroendocrinology at the University of Texas at Austin, told ” New York Times”.

At present, WHO, American Endocrinology Society, Pediatric Endocrinology Society and other institutions have issued EDCs warnings. Taking personal toiletries as an example, the European Union has banned the use of more than 1,000 chemical substances.

Shanna Swan also sounded the alarm in her new book “Countdown”. The subtitle of the book is very straightforward: “How does the modern world threaten sperm counts, change the reproductive development of men and women, and endanger the future of mankind?” “Whether it is microwave heating or refrigerator preservation, use glass containers as much as possible instead of plastic. Use cotton or linen. Shower curtains, not plastic shower curtains. Don’t use air fresheners.” The book says.




(source:internet, reference only)

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