July 26, 2024

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What is the most “unreliable” human organ?

What is the most “unreliable” human organ?


What is the most “unreliable” human organ? The reproductive organs ranked third from the bottom, and the first was unexpected!

The so-called “unreliable” organs are those that are dispensable, or often cause trouble, or are both dispensable and often troublesome.

What is the most "unreliable" human organ?





1. Gallbladder

Unreliable index: ★★


The gallbladder is an organ that stores bile (the liver secretes bile). Bile contains a large amount of lipase, which digests fat very well. After eating a piece of fat, the gallbladder shrinks and the fat is quickly digested, so you won’t feel greasy and uncomfortable. If you don’t have a gallbladder, you can only eat greasy food and wait for the liver to secrete bile online, so it’s very easy to get greasy.

However, the gallbladder is prone to inflammation and stones, and once the onset is painful. Thousands of people all over the world have their gallbladder removed every day.

What are the effects of cholecystectomy? The digestive function is affected for a short time after the operation, but over time, the dilatation of the common bile duct can gradually replace the role of the gallbladder. It must be a little bit greasy to eat, and other daily life is basically not affected.


2. Coccyx

Unreliable index: ★★★

This organ of the human body can be said to be degenerated from the tail of the great ape. The tail can provide a good balance ability. The monkey can move around on the branches, and even swing with the tail, relying on the strong and powerful long tail.

In fact, most mammals have tails at a certain stage of their lives. During the development of humans in the womb, the rudiment of the tail can also be observed. When the embryo develops into a fetus, the tail is absorbed by the body and degenerates into four or five coccyx bones fused together.

Of course, it is no longer needed. In addition to accidentally falling, sitting on the ground with one buttocks will cause a fracture of the tail vertebra, which can no longer attract our attention. And if you find that your baby had a small tail when it was born, you should see a doctor right away, because it is likely to have “meningocele” and “spina bifida.”


3. Reproductive organs

Unreliable index: ★★★

The “unreliable” part of women’s uterus, breasts, ovaries, and men’s testicles is that they are very susceptible to cancer when they are a little older!

Breast cancer ranks first in the incidence of female malignant tumors, and cervical cancer ranks fourth! If it is too late, life may be planted on this organ!

For women without fertility requirements, after breast and hysterectomy, it mainly affects the appearance and psychology. However, if the ovaries and testicles are removed in time, if hormones are added in time, it has little effect on life, and can even lead a normal sexual life.


4. The appendix

Unreliable index: ★★★★


The appendix seems to be specially used for “inflammation”. Except for appendicitis, I really haven’t heard of what it does.

Darwin’s theory of evolution believes that human ancestors needed the appendix to help digestion in the stage of survival when human ancestors used plants as food. With the change of food structure, the appendix continued to shrink, and it has no practical use for modern people. However, there have been some studies in the scientific community in recent years, suggesting that the appendix plays a role in storing and protecting beneficial intestinal bacteria. But once it becomes inflamed, let’s cut him off without even thinking about it!


5. Wisdom teeth

Unreliable index: ★★★★☆

Wisdom teeth, also called wisdom teeth, are the third molars of humans. They usually erupt between the ages of 16 and 25. In the past, when humans were still eating and drinking blood, their teeth were worn out relatively quickly. When they grow wisdom teeth, many teeth have already fallen out. Newly grown wisdom teeth can take over the broken teeth and play a role.

In the past, the structure of human teeth was similar to that of chimpanzees. In ancient times, human teeth were much larger and more numerous than they are today. Strong teeth, like sharp knives, can crush hard animal tendons.

Modern human faces have become smaller, and there is no extra space for wisdom teeth to grow. Therefore, many of the wisdom teeth of modern people are crooked and must be removed, otherwise it will oppress and damage other teeth.


6. Knee

Unreliable index: ★★★★☆

Older people get older legs, and when they get older, their knees are often unbearable. More and more people are unable to accompany them through their lives with their knees. The number of elderly people who need artificial joint replacement has also doubled.

When standing up and walking, the weight of the knee is 1 to 2 times the body weight. When going up and down or up and down the stairs, the weight of the knee is 3 to 4 times the weight. When playing basketball, the weight of the knee is 6 times or more. There are still many people who fall in love with the knee killer-“Marathon”.

The knee is a non-renewable resource. If it is worn too much and used improperly, it will be paralyzed in advance.


7. Abdominal wall

Unreliable index: ★★★★☆

Hernia and appendectomy are the most basic operations that a general surgeon needs to perform.

A hernia refers to a certain organ or tissue in the human body that leaves its normal anatomical position and enters another part through a weak point, defect or pore formed congenital or acquired.

A common situation is that the child’s abdominal wall is weak. After jumping, the boy’s intestines enter the groin and scrotum from the “weak mouth”; the girl’s ovaries, omentum and even the ovaries fall to the perineum, and then lie down, the intestines are again Back in the stomach. But this is not the way to go over and over again, if you accidentally get stuck in the intestines and can’t come back, it may be life-threatening.

Therefore, we need surgery to repair the breach in this abdominal wall.

Human beings didn’t need to bear this pain, but it was strange that they chose to walk upright at the beginning. The visceral pressure of animals such as cattle, sheep and horses is evenly borne by the entire abdominal cavity, while humans stand up, which concentrates the pressure on the lower abdominal wall. Children’s abdominal muscles are weak, and the elderly’s abdominal muscles are atrophied, all of which are prone to “hernia”.


8. Urethra

Unreliable index: ★★★★★

The urethra is a place where the human body is very susceptible to bacterial inflammation. The most common is urethritis, which is common to both men and women. However, the incidence of women is 1,000 times that of men.

why? It is because the female urethra is relatively short. The urethra of a normal male is about 18 cm, while that of a female is only 4-6 cm. The male urethra is not only long and thin, but the female urethra is wide and straight. It’s like a long bottle with a thin mouth and a wide-mouth cup. It’s easy to see which one is easier to fall off.

Are you happy as a man? Modern people live a long life. After the age of 60, most men’s prostate hyperplasia begins to appear. Once the hyperplasia becomes severe, it will oppress the urethra. At this time, there was a problem with urination. The man stood in front of the urinal for 1 minute, but there was nothing. Who can understand this embarrassment.





(source:internet, reference only)

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