July 27, 2024

Medical Trend

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One-quarter to one-third of people have experienced urinary incontinence?

One-quarter to one-third of people have experienced urinary incontinence, and the prevalence of women in their 30s to 60s is as high as 30%! Is that true?


One-quarter to one-third of people have experienced urinary incontinence?    According to data from the American Urological Association, 1/4 to 1/3 of men and women in the United States have experienced urinary incontinence; 30% of women in their 30s to 60s are considered to have this disease, compared with 1.5 for men. 5%.

A 2008 survey in the United States showed that the prevalence of urinary incontinence in women over the age of 20 in the United States was 53.4%, and that of men was 15.1%.


Do 1/2 adult women and 1/6 adult men have urinary incontinence? !

Yes, that’s right, this is the result of a study published in the journal J Urol.

One-quarter to one-third of people have experienced urinary incontinence?


From the data alone, we should also pay attention to the problem of female urinary incontinence.

We want to start a conversation with a social phenomenon: the pursuit of beauty is the mere need of people in every age, and women’s pursuit of beauty is even more inextricable. Female stars who show off their waists in confinement have become models of “perfect” women. ; Nowadays, with advanced information, medical beauty methods, makeup techniques, and fitness programs have been well promoted along the Internet. It seems that women of all ages have channels after childbirth and have the opportunity to become themselves within the scope of their own conditions. “Excellent” women approaching “perfect”.


But the spotlight of the media ignores the basic physiological damage of women after childbirth-for example, urine leakage and urinary incontinence caused by pelvic floor muscle damage.


If the postpartum repair is not done well, even after the young and strong period, uterine prolapse, urine leakage, urinary incontinence, and rectal prolapse are prone to occur in old age.


It seems that no one among the older generation of women pays attention to this matter. First, it is because of the pressure of life, limited medical conditions, living a life and not caring about this “trivial matter”; second, they feel that other children are normal, how come Are you “squeamish” here?

Shame to discuss.


Urinary incontinence (Urinary Incontinence) is a common problem that plagues many people. It is caused by bladder sphincter damage or neurological dysfunction, which leads to the decline or loss of self-control of urination, which causes the involuntary outflow of urine. It can occur at any age and gender. Opportunities increase with age, and are more common in women and the elderly.


(source:internet, reference only)

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