July 26, 2024

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Dislike drinking water: Blood clots  Urinary infections Obesity…

Dislike drinking water: Blood clots  Urinary infections Obesity…


Dislike drinking water: Blood clots  Urinary infections Obesity….  People who don’t like drinking water are easily favored by blood clots, urinary infections, obesity, etc. 

Dislike drinking water: Blood clots  Urinary infections Obesity...

Water is the source of life, and neither humans nor other creatures can survive without water. According to research, the water content of the human body accounts for about 60% to 70% of the body weight, which is enough to explain the importance of water to the human body.

But nowadays, there are a lot of rich flavored beverages on the market. Many people prefer to drink beverages rather than water. In fact, this habit is very unhealthy.

Some people think that as long as they don’t feel thirsty, the body will not be dehydrated. In fact, this idea is incorrect. The lack of water in the body does not necessarily reflect thirst. We can judge whether the body lacks water from several aspects. First of all, if the urine output is too little or the color is too dark, it means that you are not drinking enough.

Secondly, heavier sweating is also one of the manifestations of lack of water. Furthermore, lack of water can also cause a lot of physical discomforts, such as upset, memory loss, muscle aches and so on.

Therefore, lack of water in the body will not only cause discomfort, but also affect health and even cause disease.


Generally speaking, people who do not like drinking water are prone to the following diseases.

 1. Urinary infection. The human body produces many metabolites every day, which need to be excreted through various channels. The main way is through both urine and feces.

And the body must have water before it can form urine. The main component of urine is water. If you drink too little water in daily life, the body’s metabolites will not be excreted in time.

Drinking plenty of water can not only flush the intestines, keep the intestines healthy and urinate in time, but also effectively prevent infections in the urinary system. Therefore, people who do not like to drink water are more likely to suffer from urinary system diseases, and are more likely to get angry, which is not conducive to urine discharge and urinary tract health.


2. Thrombus and plaque are prone to appear. Insufficient drinking water can easily cause the viscosity of blood in the blood vessels to become higher, which will cause the blood flow to slow down. This will cause the aggregation of platelets and blood lipids, thereby blocking blood vessels or attaching to the walls of blood vessels, forming thrombi and plaques.

This will not only cause adverse effects on the blood vessel wall, but also easily cause blood vessel blockage, a series of cardiovascular diseases, and even dangerous situations.

Even if there is no symptom for a while, the pressure on the blood vessels is great, and it is prone to chronic diseases for a long time.

Dislike drinking water: Blood clots  Urinary infections Obesity...

3. Get fat easily. Many people think that obesity is only related to the intake of foods with high fat content. In fact, it is also related to metabolism. If the metabolism in the body is too slow, the food that is eaten will be difficult to consume and will easily accumulate in the body, causing the body to gain weight.

Water is an important source of normal life activities of the human body. If people drink insufficient water and lack of water in the body, it will lead to metabolic dysfunction. If the food you eat is not digested in time, the metabolic function of fat will become worse. Even if the food intake is normal, it is easy to gain weight.

Therefore, if you want to prevent obesity, you should drink more water in addition to eating less fatty foods.


In short, infrequent drinking water can easily make the general health of the body worse, and it is also easy to cause some diseases. Therefore, for good health, we must develop a good habit of drinking plenty of water.

Especially after exercise, be sure to replenish adequate water to avoid dehydration in the body. In addition, you should not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. It is best to drink a glass of water every two hours to help maintain your health.



(source:internet, reference only)

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