July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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A man almost went blind after climbing a mountain and drinking a lot of water

A man almost went blind after climbing a mountain and drinking a lot of water

A man almost went blind after climbing a mountain and drinking a lot of water.   Symptoms of glaucoma are easily confused with cerebrovascular diseases and digestive tract diseases.

Do not take medication by yourself. Once the diagnosis and treatment are delayed, it is very easy to cause irreversible visual damage, visual field loss, and even blindness.

A man almost went blind after climbing a mountain and drinking a lot of water

A 56-year-old male patient went out to climb a mountain. After going down the mountain, he drank 600ml of water due to thirst. At the moment, he suddenly felt severe eye pain, swelling, and nausea and vomiting. He was escorted to the ophthalmology department of Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and was diagnosed with glaucoma after related examinations such as fundus and optic nerve.


Doctor’s explanation:

Glaucoma is a disease that causes high intraocular pressure due to various reasons, oppresses the optic nerve, and causes optic nerve damage. It is more common in the elderly.

Glaucoma is divided into acute and chronic. Most chronic glaucoma has no obvious symptoms. Acute glaucoma has obvious symptoms, mainly manifested as increased intraocular pressure and visual field defects. Specific symptoms include eye pain, eye swelling, headache, nausea and vomiting, and decreased vision.

In the late stage of glaucoma, there is often a “tubular” visual field, that is, the visual field is damaged to a certain extent, and the eyes can only see a very narrow space directly in front, such as rolling a thin paper tube in front of our eyes, and then passing the thin paper When you look at the world, you can see a small range of space at this time is called a tubular field of vision.

Explanation from the doctor:

Drinking too much water at one time will cause blood dilution, lower plasma osmotic pressure, and relatively increase the production of aqueous humor, leading to increased intraocular pressure and inducing glaucoma. In addition, emotional agitation, excessive infusion, and the use of drugs such as atropine can induce glaucoma.

After confirming the diagnosis, Director Zhang Qing decided to treat Mr. Zhang’s intraocular pressure drop eye drops, dehydration and other related treatments. After a period of treatment, Mr. Zhang’s intraocular pressure was controlled within the normal range, and the ocular discomfort symptoms were significantly improved. There is no nausea and vomiting, and Mr. Zhang has recovered and was discharged from the hospital. Director Zhang Qing said that glaucoma is irreversible, and the intraocular pressure is controlled mainly through medication and surgical treatment.


Precautions for glaucoma patients during home rehabilitation

1. Regularly go to the hospital to review the intraocular pressure and visual field for early detection, early diagnosis, early intervention, and early treatment.

2. Do not change the dosage and stop the medication at will, please follow the doctor’s advice.

3. Go to the hospital due to other physical discomfort, and inform the attending doctor of the history of glaucoma before the operation and before the infusion, so as to avoid glaucoma attacks.

4. Keep your mood happy, avoid emotional excitement, and actively cooperate with treatment.

5. Try not to stay in a dark room, avoid turning off the lights for a long time and looking at the phone, avoid eye fatigue, and maintain sufficient light. After using your eyes for a long time, you should look forward to relax and take a break in time.

6. Control the amount of drinking water, avoid drinking a lot of water in a short time, and it is advisable to drink no more than 500ml at a time.


Remind everyone:

Symptoms of glaucoma are easily confused with cerebrovascular diseases and digestive tract diseases. Do not take medication by yourself.

Once the diagnosis and treatment are delayed, it is very easy to cause irreversible visual damage, visual field loss, and even blindness.

Early detection and early treatment are essential to prevent and treat glaucoma. In addition, it is also important to avoid some risk factors that can lead to increased intraocular pressure.



(source:internet, reference only)

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