July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Drinking milk tea can cause gout?

Drinking milk tea can cause gout?


Drinking milk tea can cause gout? It’s not entirely a problem with milk tea. 

Milk tea enthusiasts pay attention to the raw materials of the selected milk tea, try to choose high-quality milk source and tea foundation. For health, do not choose cheap milk tea exchanged with cheap creamer and various additives for the time being. Let happy water really bring health and happy.

Recently, the news that a young man had pain in his hands and feet while drinking milk tea was madly forwarded and became a topic in all walks of life. According to news reports, the 18-year-old patient’s feet and knuckles were full of tophi, and his feet were swollen so that he could not walk, and he needed a wheelchair to move.

Four years ago, the patient had a history of gout attacks, but there was no medication or contraindications. The life habit of indulging in milk tea became an important factor in the doctor’s diagnosis, which eventually caused severe gout.

So, does milk tea, which is loved by many young people, really have such a serious impact on the body? Is there anything really worth choosing?

Drinking too many sugar drinks increases the probability of getting sick with gout by 35%.

Sugary drinks not only bring us happiness, but also defrost us, and indeed bring a lot of burden to our body.

Milk tea is indeed one of our delightful sugar drinks, but gout is not entirely a milk tea problem.

The top journal “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition” in the field of food science and engineering published a related analysis, discussing the relationship between fructose and gout/hyperuricemia in sugary drinks and diet.

The results show that the intake of sugar drinks has a positive relationship with the risk of pain, and the probability of sugar drinks suffering from hyperuricemia increased by 35%.

This result undoubtedly proves that sugar-sweetened beverages sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of hyperuricemia/gout with their own strength.



Why do sugary drinks cause gout?

Drinking milk tea can cause gout?

So the question is, how do sugary drinks cause gout?

Many sugar drinks on the market now contain sugar. Excessive intake will affect the body’s glucose and lipid metabolism, increase uric acid synthesis and decrease excretion.

Therefore, friends who like to drink milk tea and various sugar-sweetened beverages are at higher risk of hyperuricemia, and gout is no longer an exclusive disease for middle-aged and elderly men, but is getting younger and younger. Many students and white-collar workers also don’t know. Unconsciously hit.

It needs to be emphasized that in addition to drinking sugary drinks, the youthful tendency of gout is also inseparable from factors such as young people’s preference for high-purine diets and insufficient exercise.

Seeing this, some friends may ask, drinking milk tea, cola, fruit juice and other sugar drinks will affect the body.

In addition to options such as milk for strengthening the body, extracted tea is also a good choice.

Drinking tea appropriately is good for the body, but it should be noted that tea contains tannins, which easily combine with iron in food to form insoluble precipitates, which affect the absorption of iron, so you should not drink tea immediately after a meal, 1 hour after a meal After drinking tea, light tea is best.

Among young people, the consumption of sugar-free tea has also risen in recent years.

For young consumers who are beginning to pay attention to health, controlling sugar is an important point of a healthy diet. While the sugar content is becoming more and more real, they hope to enjoy the taste of tea while pursuing health. Therefore, sugar-free tea beverages with strong tea flavor, convenient drinking, and healthy ingredients have become a priority for many people at desks and travel.

Finally, milk tea is not impossible to drink, and occasional indulgence is inevitable, but the frequency of drinking must be controlled.

Milk tea enthusiasts pay attention to the raw materials of the selected milk tea, try to choose high-quality milk source and tea foundation. For health, do not choose cheap milk tea exchanged with cheap creamer and various additives for the time being. Let happy water really bring health and happy.





(source:internet, reference only)

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