July 27, 2024

Medical Trend

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Sugary beverages can cause many diseases

Sugary beverages can cause many diseases


Sugary beverages can cause many diseases.  Sugar-sweetened beverages are harmful to no benefit. The latest research has also found that drinking too much sugar-sweetened beverages will greatly increase the risk of premature death and cancer. Therefore, we must pay attention to the impact of sugary beverages on the body.

Sugary beverages can cause many diseases


Sugary drinks fill our lives, cola, soda, juice, etc. Everyone likes to drink it. But what makes us unexpected is that delicious drinks are actually the killer of our health. This article will let you understand what damage sugary drinks have on the body.


① Cause dental caries

Investigations have shown that the intake of sugary beverages is positively correlated with the incidence of dental caries. In addition, many carbonated beverages will directly contact the tooth enamel, and the teeth will be eroded by acidic substances, which will increase the risk of tooth erosion.

② Lead to obesity

Sugary drinks are high in sugar and high in calories, and long-term drinking can easily lead to obesity. Studies in the United States have also shown that drinking a can of sugary beverages a day will increase their weight by about 7 kilograms per year. Children who regularly drink sugary beverages have a 1.7 times higher risk of obesity compared with children who do not drink sugary beverages. Obesity is not as simple as growing meat. It has become one of the most important pathogenic factors for many diseases.

③ Lead to the third-grade cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Sugars in sugar-sweetened beverages are dissolved monosaccharides and disaccharides, which are very easy to be digested and absorbed, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar, which can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia. At the same time, it affects the body’s metabolism. Increase the risk of metabolic syndrome.


④ Cause kidney stones

The United States is a country with a high incidence of kidney stones, which has a lot to do with Americans who like to drink sweet drinks. In epidemiological studies on the relationship between sugar-sweetened beverages and kidney stones, 5 items showed that the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages was significantly positively correlated with the risk of kidney stones and urethral stones.


Sugar-sweetened beverages are harmful to no benefit. The latest research has also found that drinking too much sugar-sweetened beverages will greatly increase the risk of early death and cancer. Therefore, we must pay attention to the impact of sugar-sweetened beverages on the body. We must be vigilant and proactive in our lives. Reduce the intake of sugary drinks, thereby reducing the adverse effects on the body and improving the quality of life.





(source:internet, reference only)

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