July 26, 2024

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Lack of sleep can make people feel old and can also affect health

Lack of sleep can make people feel old and can also affect health


Studies have shown that lack of sleep can make people feel old and can also affect health.


Sleep is a repair process of the human body, which can restore the spirit and relieve fatigue. In a person’s life, about one-third of the time is spent in sleep.

Good sleep is one of the three health standards recognized by the international community, and too short or poor sleep can affect health.


In recent years, high-quality sleep seems to have become a luxury for many ordinary people. What is more worrying is that sleep problems are no longer unique to adults.


Recently, researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK published a research paper titled Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations between Subjective Sleep Difficulties and Self-Perceptions of Aging in Behavioral Sleep Medicine .


The study shows that people with insufficient sleep feel that they are getting old and have a more negative view of their aging. This in turn affects physical, mental and cognitive health.


Lack of sleep can make people feel old and can also affect health


In this study, the researchers surveyed 4482 people aged 50 and over who participated in the UK PROTECT study.

The five-item AARC-10 SF subscale was used to assess the negative changes in age-related changes at baseline and one-year follow-up. Subjective age at baseline and one-year follow-up.

The St. Mary’s Sleep Scale was also used to assess subjective sleep difficulties, including 9 different indicators of subjective sleep difficulties.


The study explored the horizontal and vertical associations between nine indicators of subjective sleep dysfunction, awareness of age-related negative changes, and subjective age.


Studies have found that people with poor sleep quality, low alertness after waking up, high frequency of waking up early, difficulty falling asleep, and waking up more at night will feel that they are getting old and have a more negative view of their own aging .


In addition, among the nine subjective indicators of sleep difficulty, alertness after awakening has the strongest correlation with awareness of negative age-related changes.


Research results show that those who experience sleep difficulties are more likely to have a negative self-perception of aging .


In general, individuals with more severe subjective sleep difficulties, especially those who do not feel alert when waking up, may be more likely to feel that they are getting older over time.


Researchers say that as we age, we experience positive and negative changes in many aspects of life. However, some people feel more negative changes than others.


As we know, negative perceptions of aging may be harmful to future physical, mental, and cognitive health. An unresolved issue in aging research is understanding what makes people more negative about aging.




Paper link:

Lack of sleep can make people feel old and can also affect health

(source:internet, reference only)

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