July 26, 2024

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Drinking coffee often is helpful for learning and memory But also brings more pressure

Drinking coffee often is helpful for learning and memory But also brings more pressure

Drinking coffee often changes the structure of the brain and the connection network, which is helpful for learning and memory, but it also brings more pressure.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. Many studies have shown that coffee has short-term effects on attention, sleep and memory, as well as long-term effects on many diseases and aging, so it is particularly important for human health. significance.

Coffee has several ingredients that can affect human health, the most important of which is caffeine , which is also the most widely consumed psychostimulant in the world.

Although coffee is widely consumed all over the world, it is surprising that there is still a lack of a comprehensive characterization of the long-term effects of coffee on the human brain .

April 2021, researchers at the University of Minho, Portugal School of Medicine in nerve famous academic journal Science Molecular Psychiatry journal published a report entitled: Habitual Coffee Drinkers Run the display A DISTINCT pattern of Brain Functional Connectivity (habitual coffee drinkers showed significant The research paper on the functional connection patterns of the brain .

This is the first detailed study of the effect of regular coffee drinking on the brain network .

By using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology, it is possible to observe the effects of coffee on the functional connections and structure of the brain in real time, as well as the difference between coffee drinkers and coffee drinkers.

It was found that drinking coffee regularly can improve motor control, increase concentration and alertness, and also help learning and memory. But at the same time it will bring more pressure, and it is also related to the increase in male anxiety.

Drinking coffee often is helpful for learning and memory But also brings more pressure

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) can study brain function during different tasks or at rest in a non-invasive way.

But so far, the research of this technology on the effect of coffee on the brain has focused on detecting the acute effect of caffeine intake on the brain, and there are very few studies on the acute and long-term effects of caffeine on the brain functional connections in the resting state.

In order to solve these problems, the research team used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to compare the functional connectivity and dynamics of the brains of coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers.

In addition, because caffeine has a potential anxiety-promoting effect , it also explores the potential connection between habitual coffee consumption and these variables through the measurement of mental states (depression, anxiety, and stress) .

The research team divided the recruited volunteers into two groups.

One group was habitual coffee drinkers who had the habit of drinking coffee every day; the other group did not drink coffee.

Drinking coffee often is helpful for learning and memory But also brings more pressure

Researchers first obtained functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of these volunteers at rest and also assessed their stress, anxiety, and depression. In neuroimaging evaluation, the habitual coffee drinking group showed decreased sensory and limbic network functional connectivity in the resting state.

The habitual coffee-drinking group also showed decreased functional connectivity in the subcortical and posterior brain regions related to sensory, motor, and emotional processing.

In addition, the habitual coffee drinking group also showed a longer life span involving the subcortical area, the visual network, and the functional network of the cerebellum.

The study also found that habitual coffee drinkers observed greater dynamic activity in multiple areas of the brain, which helped to increase learning and memory capabilities, as well as better concentration .

Drinking coffee often is helpful for learning and memory But also brings more pressure

The study also found that more efficient patterns were also found in other areas of the brain (such as the cerebellum), which is consistent with the effects already described (such as improved motor control).

Importantly, all these differences depend on the frequency of caffeine intake , and those who do not drink coffee will reproduce the above changes after a cup of coffee, which shows that coffee has the ability to apply changes in a short period of time. 

The study also found that people who habitually drink coffee show higher stress levels than people who do not drink coffee , and that increased coffee drinking frequency is also related to increased male anxiety .

Drinking coffee often is helpful for learning and memory But also brings more pressure

All in all, this is the first detailed study of the effect of regular coffee drinking on the brain network .

By using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology, it is possible to observe the effects of coffee on the functional connections and structure of the brain in real time, as well as the difference between coffee drinkers and coffee drinkers.

It was found that drinking coffee regularly can improve motor control, increase concentration and alertness, and also help learning and memory.

But at the same time it will bring more pressure, and it is also related to the increase in male anxiety.

Paper link:

Drinking coffee often is helpful for learning and memory But also brings more pressure

(source:internet, reference only)

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