July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Revolutionary discovery: Human brain speed doesn’t slow down until age 60

Revolutionary discovery: Human brain speed doesn’t slow down until age 60


Revolutionary discovery: Human brain speed doesn’t slow down until age 60.

Mental speed is the speed at which our brain processes problems that require quick decision-making.

It is generally accepted that as we age, we generally take longer to adapt to changes or stimuli in our surroundings. If so, then our mental speed is highest around age 20 and then starts to decline with age.


On February 17, 2022, researchers from Heidelberg University in Germany published a research paper entitled: Mental speed is high until age 60 as revealed by analysis of over a million participants in the journal Nature Human Behaviour , a sub-journal of Nature .

The analysis of a large-scale study of 1 million people showed that the speed at which the brain processes information does not decline until the age of 60 , challenging previous notions that brain speed peaks at age 20 and begins to decline thereafter .


Revolutionary discovery: Human brain speed doesn't slow down until age 60


The research team analyzed data from more than 1 million study subjects who participated in an online experiment that tested their reaction time on a cognitive task .


The subjects were required to categorize specific words and images that appeared on the screen and press the correct key in response.

The authors found that, on average, reaction times did increase with age from age 20 onwards. But the research team noted that this was largely because older test subjects responded more cautiously and focused more on avoiding mistakes.

Meanwhile, older test subjects performed slower, taking longer to press keys after finding the correct answer. But overall, the brain’s decision-making speed for finding the right answer doesn’t start to slow until the age of 60 , and then gradually regresses.


Revolutionary discovery: Human brain speed doesn't slow down until age 60


The authors conclude that while many believe that there is an age-related slowdown in brain speed, this large-scale study explains that this assumption is not true for most of life, and for a typical career.






Paper link :


Revolutionary discovery: Human brain speed doesn’t slow down until age 60

(source:internet, reference only)

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