July 27, 2024

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Coca-Cola will become dangerous if Elon Mush “put” cocaine into it again?

Coca-Cola will become dangerous if Elon Mush “put” cocaine into it again?


Coca-Cola will become dangerous if Elon Mush “put” cocaine into it again? Elon Musk: I’m going to buy Coca-Cola and put cocaine back in

On the morning of April 28, Musk tweeted, “Next I’m going to buy Coca-Cola and add cocaine back in.”


Coca-Cola will become dangerous if Elon Mush "put" cocaine into it again?


It’s unclear if Musk is buying a bottle of Coca-Cola or the entire Coca-Cola Company.


It is understood that the drink Coca-Cola was created by John Pemberton, a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1885. During a research process, he accidentally added soda water as water. He was surprised by its wonderful taste. Made the original recipe in my backyard.


Because the formula contains two important exciting and refreshing substances, cocaine and caffeine, which are extracted from coca leaves (CoCa) and the fruits of the cola tree (Cola) respectively, so these two plants are Together, the English names become Coca-Cola. And Pemberton is well-deserved to become the inventor and founder of Coca-Cola.


When Coca-Cola was invented, cocaine was legal and a common ingredient in medicines, and people thought it was safe to use in small amounts.


It wasn’t until 1929 that it was officially removed from the Coca-Cola formula as people became aware of the dangers of cocaine. To this day, Coca-Cola still contains coca leaf extract, just without the cocaine.


According to media report, on April 28, Musk tweeted that “If Twitter wants to gain public trust, it must remain politically neutral. And the influence of the extreme left is the same.”



From narcotics to Coca-Cola formula, how did cocaine go from drug to drug?


Anyone who knows the history of Coca-Cola knows that the earliest Coca-Cola is a drink containing cocaine. It was not until later that people realized that cocaine had serious side effects that Coca-Cola revised its formula several times to remove the cocaine ingredient.

The reason why Coca-Cola chose cocaine as a beverage formula in the first place is that cocaine was not defined as a illegal drug at that time and it was a recreational drug that was popular in Europe and the United States. The famous psychologist Freud once called cocaine a “magic substance”.


Magic coca leaf

In the jungles of the Andes Mountains in South America, there is a coca family plant with a long history. It is a tropical mountain evergreen shrub. The main producing areas are in Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil and Chile. This plant is inextricably linked to the Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations in ancient America.


Coca-Cola will become dangerous if Elon Mush "put" cocaine into it again?


As early as 3,000 years ago, the local ancient Indians had the habit of chewing coca leaves. They mixed grass ash and lime into coca leaves, and then put them into their mouths to chew. Because this can help them relieve fatigue, relieve pain and disease, and also enhance their ability to resist harsh natural environments, altitude sickness, and hunger tolerance.


In addition, the ancient Indians also knew how to use coca leaves as an anesthetic. There are images of witch doctors of South American tribes anesthetizing patients with coca leaves and alcohol, then using a knife to open the skull and remove bone fragments caused by accident. According to modern archaeological evidence, there were indeed many patients who were cured after surgery through this anesthesia method.


The ancient Indians in the Americas regarded coca as a plant given by gods, a gift from gods to mortals. Whenever they went to fight with ferocious animals in nature, they would bring a bag of coca leaves and chew it at any time. The ancient Indians believed that coca could give themselves mystical power, drive away hunger and relieve pain.


Coca leaves are still called “holy grass” by some indigenous people in South America, this is because the agriculture in these areas is underdeveloped and there is not enough food to eat, and coca leaves are rich in plant bases and many vitamins and other Nutrient ingredients, chewing coca leaves will make the alkaloids in the leaves directly act on the central nervous system of the person, and have a certain anesthetic effect on the nerves, thereby reducing people’s thirst, hunger, fatigue and other feelings.


Today, coca tea beverages and snacks made from coca leaves are still such an important dietary accompaniment in many parts of South America that Bolivian President Morales formally asked the United Nations to abolish coca leaf cultivation and chewing coca leaves.

He made it clear that “chewing coca leaves is a long-standing and millennia-old habit of the Andean indigenous peoples, and it cannot and should not be banned.” It is enough to prove that the status of coca plants in South America is extraordinary.


Although coca has a long history, it really made it known to the world after the Spanish colonists invaded South America in the mid-16th century. The invaders initially dismissed the local indigenous chewing coca leaves as they slaughtered Indians, seized land and looted gold.

It was not until later that the Spaniards saw the Indians who chewed coca leaves, who worked in gold and silver mines for a long time without getting tired, and seldom needed food and sleep, that they discovered the special effects of coca. On the one hand they learned to chew it themselves, on the other hand they shipped coca back to Europe as a commodity and silver.


What really made Europeans understand and accept the magical effect of coca was in 1781, when the indigenous rebellion against the colonizers broke out in La Paz, Bolivia, when the soldiers who defended the city had insufficient military rations, they just chewed coca. Ye Zhan waited for a long time until reinforcements came to clear the siege.


Immediately after the news reached Europe, some people suggested that coca leaves should be used to solve the famine in Europe. At the same time, some scholars suggested that long-term sailors should eat more coca leaves, which would not only enhance the physical strength of the crew, but also allow coca leaves to replace them. Alcohol, to solve the problem of alcoholism on board. As a result, the trend of chewing coca leaves spread rapidly in Europe.



The birth of cocaine

The magical effect of coca leaves has made European scientists have a strong interest and have started research on it. Cocaine is an alkaloid extracted from coca leaves, but it is still a matter of debate which scientist first extracted and synthesized it.


The first theory, by the German chemist Friedrich, was the first to extract the narcotic ingredient from coca leaves in 1855, and named it cocaine. The second theory, by the Austrian chemist Neumann, in 1859, refined a higher purity substance from coca leaves, and named it cocaine. Either way, cocaine was born in the 19th century.


In 1878, some medical scientists in the United States also extracted cocaine alkaloids from coca. Two years later, Professor Halstead, known as the “father of modern surgery”, made cocaine into a local anesthetic for topical anesthesia in ophthalmic surgery and local anesthesia for nerve plexus injections.


What made cocaine a popular recreational drug was a recommendation from the famous psychologist Freud. He not only believed that cocaine was a local anesthetic, but also a libido stimulant and an antidepressant, and used it for a long time thereafter. For the treatment of hallucinations, he called cocaine a “magic substance”.


Under the influence of Freud, the news media in Europe and the United States boasted cocaine, claiming that cocaine can not only cure diseases, but also an artifact to get rid of hunger, sleep and fatigue. In the United States, some doctors treat opiate and alcohol addiction directly with cocaine.


The Boston Medical Journal reports that “moderate use of coca is not only beneficial but also beneficial.” The Journal of Therapeutics reports that “People feel the urge to try coca, opioid addiction or not. A harmless drug is essential when feeling down.” The American Neurological Association declares that “a depressed person, The taciturn patient, the person with the deepest grief or grief” also stops sobbing and rejoices under the influence of cocaine.

By the end of the 19th century, cocaine abuse had reached its heyday, especially in the United States. Used to treat everything from ailments to substance addictions, cocaine has become a “miracle drug” and has gained social acceptance. And some businessmen saw a business opportunity in it, and used cocaine as a strong tonic mixed into drinks, candies and powders.



Coca-Cola and Cocaine

The inventor of Coca-Cola was named John Pemberton. He had an uncle who was a famous southern general in the American Civil War. He was famous for sticking to Vicksburg for 47 days, during which time he ate all the rats before the city surrendered. The generals of the Northern Army, who admired him so much, later released him by exchanging prisoners of war.

John Pemberton was not as handsome as his uncle, and he was still a hapless man. He was an ordinary soldier who was seriously wounded in the war. During treatment, he became addicted to morphine due to heavy abuse by doctors. After his discharge from the military, John Pemberton has been torn between rehab and drug use.


Morphine, like heroin, is a very difficult addiction to quit. Although John Pemberton has always tried to quit his morphine addiction, he has never been successful. He believes that it is basically impossible to abstain from it directly, and it needs to be replaced by other substances. Later, John Pemberton really found something that could gradually stop his addiction to morphine, which was coca liquor, which was very popular in Europe at the time.


According to U.S. law, chewing coca leaves and drinking alcohol containing coca was not illegal at the time. Coca wine contains a small amount of cocaine, which does not cause much harm to the human body, nor is it a real drug, but it has a considerable effect on nerves. There are many such wines in Europe, the most famous is the French coca wine.


At this time, John Pemberton not only quit his morphine addiction, but also found business opportunities. He tried to concoct his own coca wine, called French wine coca. After trying, John Pemberton claimed that his coca wine not only gave people a strong sense of excitement, but also stimulated a high sex drive. So, he took a nickname for his coca liquor – the best aphrodisiac liquor.


Just as John Pemberton was about to go big, his bad luck struck again. In the year of research and development, the United States introduced the Prohibition Order (the problem of time contradiction: Prohibition in the United States is a process of first local law and then to the Federal Constitution, first simply prohibiting and then slowly increasing the code, which takes a long time, so here refers to the process of prohibition. is the prohibition of some regional governments), the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. This decree almost sentenced John Pemberton’s business plan to death.


The unrepentant John Pemberton tried his best to find other substances to replace alcohol. He found that people at that time loved to drink sweet sugar water, so he boldly used syrup mixed with cocaine to make drinks. But without alcohol, trace amounts of cocaine alone are not exciting.


John Pemberton scratched his head and thought of another way. He added cola nut produced in Africa to a syrupy drink containing cocaine. This cola nut contains exciting caffeine, plus exciting cocaine, the drink has a strong enough stimulant effect.


Later, after many debuggings, this new beverage made of cocaine, cola nut, sucrose, edible oil and essence was refined. John Pemberton added ice cubes to the first drink, and it tasted very good. When he was about to pour the second drink, his assistant accidentally poured soda water, but he did not expect it to taste even better.


The new drink has no name. John Pemberton and his partner Robinson combined the letters of Coca and Kola. With a horizontal line, the world-famous Coca-Cola was born.

In 1886, Coca-Cola, known as a non-alcoholic beverage, was officially launched, and the first Coca-Cola was priced at five cents. In its first year on sale, Coca-Cola only sold more than 400 bottles, and then it became popular. Because Americans found that this drink, although not alcohol, can bring about the same effect as alcohol. For a time, the original alcoholics drank Coca-Cola one after another.


However, with the growing popularity of cocaine, its addiction problem has also grown, and some reports of cocaine poisoning deaths have attracted the attention of the US government, and cocaine has begun to be restricted. The use of the addictive drug in the drink was criticized in 1903, the same year the Coca-Cola Company removed cocaine from its formula, but kept the Coca in its name.




History of cocaine abuse

Faced with the increasing number of cocaine abusers, in 1914, the United States issued the Harrison Narcotics Regulations, prohibiting the sale and use of cocaine as a narcotic, which effectively curbed the abuse of cocaine. By the 1960s, most of society had gradually stopped using cocaine as a recreational drug.


However, by the end of the 1960s, the hippie movement once again set off an upsurge in recreational drug use, and cocaine, known as the “champagne of medicine”, was once again favored. Many teens see cocaine use as a trait of being chic, trendy and even brave. Scientists were even seen and heard on American television at the time talking about the intense and unusually euphoric effects of cocaine.

In the 1980s, cocaine became more famous. In order to further increase profits, drug dealers continued to produce cocaine of higher purity. Therefore, a new product of “Korek”, which was purified from cocaine, appeared on the black market, which was welcomed by cocaine abusers. , it is said to have flooded the US and European markets, and is going global.


Cocaine is a potent form of cocaine that addicts call “pebble,” “baseball,” and “thunderbolt” because of the crisp, melodious crackle they hear when they puff. Compared with ordinary cocaine, the stimulation of “Ke Li Ke” is faster and stronger, the time required for addiction is shorter, and the individual’s craving for “crack” is also stronger, so the harm is also greater.



The dangers of cocaine

Although cocaine was regulated along with morphine and heroin in 1914, governments of various countries promulgated food and drug laws and regulations, strictly stipulating that cocaine cannot be added to over-the-counter drugs and foods, and that all patented drugs must be accurately labeled with ingredients. In order to curb the abuse of cocaine, the World Health Organization even issued a ban on drinking coca tea at the time.


Coca-Cola will become dangerous if Elon Mush "put" cocaine into it again?


However, at this time, cocaine already had a large number of users in Europe and the United States, and the global annual production of cocaine, coca leaves, and coca paste continued to increase year by year. The number of cocaine users in countries such as Lebanon, Turkey, and Turkey is also on the rise.


Cocaine can block the wonderful effect of nerve conduction, which can stimulate the cerebral cortex, resulting in euphoria and hallucinations such as vision, hearing and touch. Cocaine has always been used in medicine as a local anesthetic and hemostatic agent, and until now has been applied to delicate parts of the eye, nose, neck, throat and trachea, as well as to treat toothache and asthma.

When abused as a drug, cocaine is extremely harmful to the body. In addition to being quickly addictive, it can also lead to severe insomnia, loss of appetite, respiratory depression, arrhythmia, heart failure, high fever, acidosis, seizures, nausea and digestive disorders, and even paranoia caused by lesions Type psychosis, after taking large doses, it will stimulate the spinal cord and cause respiratory failure and death.


The toxicity of cocaine was not gradually disclosed until the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, the medical profession indeed pointed out that cocaine would become an addictive and harmful drug, but it was too late. In addition to the greedy operation of businessmen at that time, cocaine gradually developed into a parallel with heroin. of destructive drugs.


Although there is no large-scale cocaine abuse problem in our country, it should be clear that cocaine is a local anesthetic with good effect, but it has become a drug because of human abuse. Only by learning a lesson can we avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.




(source:internet, reference only)

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