July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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COVID drug patents: NIH MPP and WHO reached licensing agreement to allow pharmaceutical companies in various countries to use

COVID drug patents: NIH MPP and WHO reached licensing agreement to allow pharmaceutical companies in various countries to use.


COVID drug patents: NIH MPP and WHO reached licensing agreement to allow pharmaceutical companies in various countries to use.


On May 12, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that its COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) and Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) have reached a licensing agreement with the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

NIH awarded 11 COVID-19 patented technologies to the former in order to make them accessible to more companies and develop more commercial products that meet current and future public health needs.


COVID drug patents: NIH MPP and WHO reached licensing agreement. 


These licenses are transparent, global and non-exclusive and allow pharmaceutical companies around the world to partner with MPP, C-TAP, and make these technologies accessible to people in low- and middle-income countries to help end the COVID-19 pandemic.

In most cases, the NIH does not collect royalties on licensed products from the 49 countries classified as least developed by the United Nations.


The 11 COVID-19 patented technologies in the agreement include the prefusion spike protein used in vaccine development, as well as other development, research, and diagnostic tools.


COVID drug patents: NIH MPP and WHO reached licensing agreement




WHO COVID-19 Technology Access Pool

In May 2020, WHO and partners launched the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) to facilitate timely, equitable and affordable access of COVID-19 health products by boosting their supply. C-TAP provides a global one-stop shop for developers of COVID-19 therapeutics, diagnostics, vaccines and other health products to share their intellectual property, knowledge, and data, with quality-assured manufacturers through public health-driven voluntary, non-exclusive and transparent licenses.

By sharing intellectual property and know-how through the pooling and these voluntary agreements, developers of COVID-19 health products can facilitate scale up production through multiple manufacturers that currently have untapped capacity to scale up production.




COVID drug patents: NIH MPP and WHO reached licensing agreement

(source:internet, reference only)

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