July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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100-500 US dollar fine if you do not wear mask in Taiwan

A100-500 US dollar fine if you do not wear mask in Taiwan


100-500 US dollar fine if you do not wear mask in Taiwan.

From Feb. 20, 2023, masks must still be worn in public transportation or restricted areas.

In response to the command center’s announcement that the regulations on wearing masks indoors will be relaxed from February 20, 2012, but public transportation and stations must still wear masks throughout the journey, the Ministry of Communications reminds the public to wear masks in the carriages and ships of public transportation , Aircraft and other means of transport and station payment areas or control areas, should wear masks in accordance with regulations.


100-500 US dollar fine if you do not wear mask in Taiwan.


The Ministry of Communications stated that due to the characteristics of public transportation and special transportation with large crowd momentum and unspecified passengers, in order to reduce the risk of virus transmission, after a comprehensive assessment by the command center, the railway, MRT, cable car, road passenger transportation, urban areas, etc.

The requirement to wear masks will still be maintained on buses, sightseeing buses, taxis, air and sea transportation and stations. However, if people have exceptional circumstances such as dietary needs, they can temporarily remove the masks and put them on as soon as possible after eating. .


The Ministry of Transportation further stated that the paid areas of railway, MRT, cable car and other stations, the control areas of airport terminals, and the paid areas or control areas of marine passenger stations are all within the scope of public transportation stations where masks are required to be worn at all times.


Anyone who violates the law will be fined NT$3,000 to NT$15,000 in accordance with Article 70, Item 1 of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. People are requested to wear masks when entering and exiting relevant venues; the Ministry of Communications also According to the development of the epidemic situation, we will continue to coordinate with the policy of the command center to adjust the epidemic prevention management measures related to transportation in a rolling manner.




100-500 US dollar fine if you do not wear mask in Taiwan.

(source:internet, reference only)

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