July 26, 2024

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Hundreds of people in a factory in Indonesia lost control and cried and convulsed

Hundreds of people in a factory in Indonesia lost control and cried and convulsed


Hundreds of people in a factory in Indonesia lost control and cried and convulsed: the reason is dumbfounded. 

According to media reports, on July 9, hundreds of workers in a factory in Majalunka, Indonesia were suddenly “bewitched collectively”, and the reasons were dumbfounding.

It is reported that at the beginning, three workers showed symptoms of trance, and then, like an infectious disease, more and more workers were abnormal and behaved strangely.


Some people were crying and screaming, completely out of control; some people looked blankly and muttered to themselves, as if they had become demented in an instant; some even fell to the ground and started convulsing, as if they might fall ill and die at any time.

This went on for over 4 hours.


Hundreds of people in a factory in Indonesia lost control and cried and convulsed


The factory was very frightened when they learned about it, and called the police immediately.

After the police arrived, they found out after investigation that it turned out that the workers hadn’t eaten breakfast before going to work.


In this regard, some psychological experts pointed out that this is a typical “group hysteria”, which may be caused by excessive fatigue.

Workers also said that the work pressure in the factory is indeed relatively high.



Skipping breakfast can potentially lead to a loss of control or negative effects for some individuals due to several reasons:


Blood sugar fluctuations:

Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day as it breaks the overnight fasting period and provides the body with essential nutrients and energy.

When you wake up in the morning, your blood sugar levels are generally low. Skipping breakfast can result in prolonged fasting, leading to a drop in blood sugar levels, which can cause fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

These symptoms can make it challenging to maintain control over emotions and decision-making processes.


Impaired cognitive function:

Breakfast plays a crucial role in supplying the brain with glucose, its primary energy source.

Without breakfast, cognitive function may be affected, leading to reduced focus, impaired memory, and decreased overall mental performance. This can make it harder to maintain control over impulses and make rational decisions.


Increased hunger and cravings:

Skipping breakfast can trigger hunger and cravings later in the day, particularly for high-calorie, sugary, or fatty foods. When you finally eat, you may be more prone to overeating or making less healthy food choices.

This loss of control can stem from the body’s natural response to prolonged fasting and the need to replenish energy stores quickly.


Emotional and mood changes:

Lack of breakfast can affect mood regulation. Hunger and low blood sugar levels can contribute to irritability, mood swings, and a higher susceptibility to stress.

These emotional changes can further impact self-control and decision-making abilities.


Disrupted metabolism:

Eating breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, allowing your body to efficiently process and burn calories throughout the day. Skipping breakfast may lead to a slower metabolic rate, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight or control cravings.


It is important to note that the impact of skipping breakfast can vary among individuals. While some people may not experience significant negative effects, others may be more susceptible to the consequences mentioned above.

It is generally recommended to have a balanced breakfast to support overall health and well-being.



(source:internet, reference only)

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