July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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The map of “severely polluted” area in United States is released!

The map of “severely polluted” area in United States is released!


The map of “severely polluted” area in United States is released!



According to the latest data from the U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA) in July 2023, more than 1,300 sites across the United States are suspected of being seriously polluted and are listed as U.S. priority cleanup projects.

About 100 of these “heavily polluted” sites are located in California.

There is another interesting phenomenon. If it is a newly built community in the United States, there may be abandoned factories, military bases, etc. nearby. 



Many areas in the United States have been identified as “severely polluted”


Contaminated areas are often the result of industrial activity in various industries, improper waste disposal, accidental spills, or other improper environmental practices. Some pollution can even be traced back decades.


The Superfund is a legal program in the United States to treat and rehabilitate heavily polluted land and environments.


The Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1980 and is administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


The “Superfund” program is financed mainly by taxes and fines, including fines on companies and individuals that cause environmental pollution. The funds were used to conduct environmental surveys, hazardous waste disposal and site restoration cleanup.


Restoration includes cleaning up hazardous materials, remediating soil and groundwater, and taking other steps necessary to mitigate or eliminate the effects of contamination.


There are now more than 1,300 sites across the U.S. that are suspected of being polluted, harmful, or so polluted —or at risk of potentially being so polluted—that they have been placed on a nationwide “priority cleanup list” under the Superfund program “Inside.


The map of "severely polluted" area in United States is released!

The picture shows the regions listed for all Superfund plans.

Source: Epa.gov


“This is a list of the most severe hazardous waste sites identified by the Superfund program ,” explained an EPA spokesperson.

Priority Cleanup List sites are generally identified as being severely polluted, hazardous material spilled, or a potential environmental threat and requiring urgent intervention to protect public health and the environment.

A contaminated area can be removed from the Superfund listing when it has been completely cleaned up and has been inspected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to determine that the area poses no further risk to people’s health or the surrounding environment.





Which areas of California made the list


About 100 California sites are now on the national “National Priorities” list under the Superfund program, largely because of poor waste management, technology manufacturing facilities and several military bases.


The map of "severely polluted" area in United States is released!The data comes from kget.com


“This is a list of the most severe hazardous waste sites identified by the Superfund program ,” explained an EPA spokesperson.


Some pollution problems go back decades , like the Del Amo site in Los Angeles County, where synthetic rubber was produced during World War II , and harmful chemicals ended up leaching into soil and groundwater. The area is located on an industrial estate in Torrance and is still in the process of a long cleanup.


In Silicon Valley in the Bay Area, several Superfund listing sites are located in former semiconductor manufacturing plants. Groundwater and soil under buildings including AMD AMD in Sunnyvale and Intel in Mountain View were contaminated, the EPA said.


A 5,900-acre site in Sacramento County is where Aerojet and Cordova make chemicals and rocket engines.


“Both companies disposed of unknown quantities of hazardous waste chemicals on the property.” The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said the Rancho Cordova land was being cleared.


Accidental spills of herbicide chemicals also caused widespread contamination in the Central Valley, from Coalinga to southeast of Bakersfield.


Another 10 California Superfund program priority list locations are linked to military bases . San Diego County alone has nine distinct areas of contamination from mismanaged trash, fire operations, and more.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EAP) said cleanup was a priority because the pollutants flowed into the Pacific along streams and rivers.





How to find out if your neighborhood is on the list


Step one:

Log in to the Superfund plan list query official website: https://www.epa.gov/superfund/search-superfund-sites-where-you-live


Step two:

Enter the website, you can choose your state, such as California.


Step three:

Then enter the zip code or city name of your area in the search box on the right to query the location of nearby areas included in the “Superfund” plan list.


Step four:

Clicking on a site opens a popup window with more information, including the site’s hazard rating system score.


The map of "severely polluted" area in United States is released!

The picture shows the pollution site near Oakland in the Bay Area.

Source: Epa.gov


The map of "severely polluted" area in United States is released!
The picture shows the pollution site near Pasadena in the South Bay.

Source: Epa.gov


The score represents the potential for a site to release hazardous substances into the surrounding environment, the toxicity of the waste at the site, and how many people are (or are likely to be) affected by the contamination, on a 100-point scale.


At the end

Why is it important to know the Superfund Plan Checklist?


Health Risk :

If your home is near a “National Priority” contaminated site, there may be a potential health risk.

These sites are usually heavily polluted or leaked hazardous substances, which may pose a threat to the health of surrounding residents.

Knowing what’s going on at these sites can let you know if there are environmental issues that could have health effects.


Living environment :

The polluted site may affect the living environment of the surrounding residents. Some sites may lead to air or water pollution and even adversely affect soil quality.

Finding out if these sites are available near your home can give you a better idea of ​​the environmental quality of the area where you live.


Property Values :

The presence of a contaminated site may affect the value of surrounding properties. Knowing whether there are National Priority sites nearby is an important due diligence step when buying or holding a property.

Some people may feel uneasy about buying or living in an area with potential health or environmental risks.


Finding out if a Superfund-listed contaminated site is near your home is important for protecting health, improving living conditions, preserving real estate value, increasing environmental awareness, and .









(source:internetpZCwVvI1ndBSLtjw8APcKg, reference only)

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