July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Higher Cancer Risk Years Later for Those with Fatty Liver Before 45

Research Finds Higher Cancer Risk Years Later for Those with Fatty Liver Before 45

Research Finds Higher Cancer Risk Years Later for Those with Fatty Liver Before 45

Recently, concerns were raised by an individual who discovered mild fatty liver during a check-up. They assumed it wasn’t a big issue and could be managed with some caution.

However, a friend warned them not to underestimate mild fatty liver. Poor management could lead to hepatitis or even liver cancer!

Moreover, a recent study revealed that individuals with fatty liver before the age of 45 have a significantly higher probability of developing cancer many years later. Is this really the case?

People with fatty liver before 45 are more prone to cancer in later years!



Research Finds Higher Cancer Risk Years Later for Those with Fatty Liver Before 45



Fatty liver causes metabolic disturbances in the body, resulting in abnormal metabolism and transport of fat within the liver. Additionally, excessive weight loss or poor nutrition can lead to abnormal fat metabolism enzymes in the liver, resulting in fat accumulation.

The incidence of fatty liver is remarkably high, affecting approximately 20% to 30% of the population.

Many tend to overlook fatty liver as a benign condition, but accumulated over years, it can progress to fatty liver disease and ultimately to liver cancer on the foundation of liver cirrhosis. Hence, it’s crucial to take fatty liver seriously!

A study published in the JAMA Network Open, a subsidiary of the American Medical Association, conducted by researchers from institutions including Peking University First Hospital, tracked and analyzed 63,000 individuals over an extended period.

Among them, 31,848 (50%) had fatty liver, while the remaining 31,848 (50%) served as the control group without the condition. None of the participants had cancer at the study’s commencement, with an average age of 51, and 17.2% were female.

Over a follow-up period of more than 10 years, 2,415 new cancer cases emerged. For those diagnosed with fatty liver before the ages of <45, 45-54, and 55-64:

  1. The overall cancer risk increased by 52%, 50%, and 13%, respectively.
  2. Digestive system cancer risk rose by 100%, 94%, and 13%.
  3. Liver cancer risk increased by 166%, 116%, and 27%.
  4. Lung cancer risk rose by 114%, 97%, and 31%.
  5. Colorectal cancer risk increased by 105%, 189%, and 5%.

Ultimately, the study found that avoiding fatty liver before the age of 45 might reduce the risk of cancer in the latter half of life by 17.83%.

Compared to viral hepatitis, some individuals with fatty liver can actually reverse the condition through dietary and exercise changes by avoiding three damaging habits and adopting three liver-friendly behaviors!

Reversing Fatty Liver, Avoid the Following 3:

  1. Long-term alcohol consumption worsens the progression of fatty liver. There is no “safe” amount of alcohol. Abstaining from alcohol is the most effective healthy behavior.

  2. Prolonged fasting or strict vegetarian diets for weight loss can lead to nutritional deficiencies, reducing lipoproteins in the body and promoting fat accumulation in the liver.

  3. Improper medication usage poses risks of liver damage. Long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, anticancer drugs, or steroids without proper medical guidance and regular liver function checks should be avoided.

Reversing Fatty Liver, Focus on the Following 3:

  1. Restrict sugar intake by reducing the consumption of high-fat and high-sugar foods. Fat and sugar can convert into each other within the body. For individuals with fatty liver, merely reducing high-fat foods without limiting sugar intake (including staple foods) can worsen the condition.

  2. Increase intake of dietary fiber found in vegetables and fruits to improve insulin resistance, slow fat absorption, and facilitate cholesterol excretion. Dietary fiber significantly aids in reducing fatty liver.

  3. Regular exercise: Fatty liver patients should engage in at least 5 days of moderate-intensity exercise (such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming) for over 30 minutes and include strength training twice a week.

Note: Moderate intensity implies being slightly fatigued during exercise, able to speak in short sentences, but unable to sustain a full conversation without pausing for breath.

It’s crucial to highlight that individuals with diabetes should pay particular attention as diabetes tends to exacerbate fatty liver, necessitating a focus on these recommended habits.

Health Guidelines:

  1. Individuals with fatty liver before 45 are more prone to cancer in later years!

  2. Compared to viral hepatitis, some with fatty liver can reverse the condition through dietary and exercise changes.

  3. Avoid three damaging habits: long-term alcohol consumption, prolonged fasting or strict vegetarian diets, improper medication usage.

  4. Focus on three liver-friendly behaviors: restrict sugar intake, increase dietary fiber intake, engage in regular exercise.

Research Finds Higher Cancer Risk Years Later for Those with Fatty Liver Before 45

(source:internet, reference only)

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