November 3, 2024

Medical Trend

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Australia stops developing a COVID-19 vaccine due to “positive” for HIV

Australia stops developing a COVID-19 vaccine due to “positive” for HIV


Australia stops developing a COVID-19 vaccine due to “positive” for HIV. Overseas Network, December 11th.


The “Sydney Morning Herald” and the “Guardian” reported on the 11th that the University of Queensland in Australia and the Australian CSL Pharmaceutical Company have stopped the development of a COVID-19 vaccine because a volunteer was vaccinated with HIV. The test result was false positive.


Australia stops developing a COVID-19 vaccine due to "positive" for HIV


According to reports, this vaccine is one of the most ordered in the Australian government’s vaccination plan, reaching 51 million doses, and is also one of Australia’s four vaccine candidates.

The Australian government had hoped that the vaccine could be put into use in mid-2021. The first phase of clinical trials began in July this year, and the second and third phases of clinical trials will begin in December.

However, after a volunteer was vaccinated, the HIV test showed a false positive.


Australian Prime Minister Morrison held an emergency press conference on the 11th, announcing that the University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine “will not proceed” and the Australian government has terminated the agreement with CSL.

He also pointed out that Australians do not have to worry about the shortage of vaccines after the University of Queensland vaccine is cancelled.

The Australian government has signed enough vaccine agreements. Even if one or two candidate vaccines prove unsuccessful, the supply will not be affected.


The health department spokesperson also assured that Australia will have enough vaccines for all people to vaccinate and believe that the other three vaccine candidates will not have similar problems.

A CSL spokesperson said in a statement that the vaccine has shown effectiveness against the new coronavirus, but it will not advance the vaccine into phase II and III clinical trials.

They also clarified that the vaccine will not be infected with AIDS, but the HIV test may show “positive”.





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