July 26, 2024

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Protection at least 6 months

COVID-19 Vaccines: Protection at least 6 months

COVID-19 Vaccines: Protection at least 6 months. The COVID-19 vaccine is launched in the United States. How long is the immune protection period? At least six months, or to one year.

According to news from Agence France-Presse in Washington, Americans will be inoculated from the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic developed by Pfizer and Biotech from the 14th local time. According to reports, the first batch of vaccines will be issued on the 13th local time, and people will be able to get the vaccine on the 14th. It will set up 145 supply points across the United States on the 14th, an additional 425 on the 15th, and an additional 66 on the 16th. The number of people receiving the first batch of vaccines will reach 3 million.


COVID-19 Vaccines: Protection at least 6 months


The Russian Satellite News Agency reported on December 13 that Alexander Günzburg, director of the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Gamalea, Russia, said: The immune protection period of the COVID-19 vaccine “Satellite-V” may reach about 2 years. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals The protection period of the vaccine is 4 to 5 months, but these need to be confirmed by experiments.

Zhou Song, General Counsel of China Biology, stated at the China International Trade in Services Fair in September that China Biology’s COVID-19 inactivated vaccine requires two doses, with an interval of 2-4 weeks. The possibility of vaccine protection period is one to three years. Big.

They are all COVID-19 vaccines. Why does the immune protection period vary from a few months to 3 years?

Zhang Hongtao, an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, introduced in an interview with a reporter from the Health Times:

There are two factors influencing the protection period of vaccine immunity, one is antibody and the other is antigen.

After a person is infected with a virus, the body’s immune system is activated to produce targeted antibodies to kill the virus. If the antibody degrades quickly and has a fast half-life, the immune protection time is short. For example, the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer before, according to the disclosed data, three months after vaccination, from the level of antibodies in the body, it can be inferred that there should be a protection period of at least six months to one year, but this is only speculative data. How long the protection period of a specific vaccine can last needs to be verified through clinical trials.

On the other hand, the immune protection period is also related to the virus itself. After some viruses are infected once, they can obtain very strong immune protection and achieve lifelong immunity. For example, the various vaccines we vaccinate in infants and young children can benefit us for life. But like the flu vaccine, because its antigen changes every year, the flu vaccine must be given every year.

American infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci once said that if the new coronavirus is similar to other coronaviruses, its vaccine may not provide long-term immunity. It is expected to be valid for about 3-6 months, and the longest will not exceed 1 year.

The reporter inquired that the World Health Organization has set a “qualified threshold” for the protection period of the COVID-19 vaccine in its “Target Product Characteristics of the COVID-19 Vaccine” document. Under the column of protection durability, the World Health Organization clearly stated, “The key feature or minimum requirement is to provide protection for at least 6 months, and the ideal feature is to provide protection for at least 1 year.”

In addition, determining the immune protection period of the COVID-19 vaccine requires observing a large number of people who have received effective vaccines to determine whether the infection rate of COVID-19 pneumonia will increase with the passage of vaccination time and when. Zhang Yujiao, a tenured professor at the Anderson Cancer Center, posted on the WeChat public account on the 12th, “Since most of the vaccine phase III studies started in July this year, the longest observation period was less than half a year. Therefore, we can only conclude that the validity period is For more than half a year, as for how long it will take, we have to wait for the data to speak. According to the current state, it may be about a year, hopefully longer.”

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