July 26, 2024

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Long-term hiccups may be a sign of liver cancer?

Long-term hiccups may be a sign of liver cancer?


Long-term hiccups may be a sign of liver cancer?   Long-term hiccups do not pay attention to, the 70-year-old was diagnosed with primary liver cancer? !


Generally speaking, physiological hiccups don’t matter, but if hiccups occur suddenly or continuously over a period of time, we should pay attention to whether we are accompanied by other symptoms and check the risk of disease in time.


Hiccup is a very peculiar human physiological reaction, just like sneezing and yawning. Without your consent, it hits as long as it wants. Normal hiccups stop after two hiccups, so many people will not pay attention to it, but it is often this inadvertent that is most likely to cause big mistakes.


A female patient in 70 had been having hiccups for more than a month, and all the methods to stop hiccups were useless. The patient had no choice but to go to the hospital for medical treatment.


Color Doppler ultrasound showed that there was a tumor on the patient’s liver, which caused more hiccups because it touched the diaphragm. After a tumor biopsy, it turned out to be a primary liver cancer. Fortunately, it was discovered in time. After a systematic comprehensive treatment of liver cancer, the patient’s hiccups disappeared.


Seeing this, without letting people’s spine cool down, the hiccups may even cause liver cancer. I was so scared that I didn’t dare to hiccups. It’s just an ordinary hiccup, and I didn’t expect so many crises hidden inside.



Why do people hiccup?

There is a layer of flat muscles between the thoracic cavity and abdominal organs, called the diaphragm. Its function is to separate the thoracic cavity and abdominal organs.

Long-term hiccups may be a sign of liver cancer?


When there is a predisposing factor that causes hiccups, the diaphragm will have paroxysmal convulsions and contractions. When air is quickly sucked into the lungs, the epiglottis closes and the glottis is narrowed, thereby obstructing the airflow. When airflow passes, it will emit ” The sound of hiccups.


Generally, hiccups can be divided into two types: belching and hiccups:

  • Hiccups: full hiccups, usually a “hiccup”, a long sound, accompanied by gas exhaled from the mouth;
  • Hiccups: It is expressed as “hiccups, hiccups, hiccups” one after another, and the sound is short and the frequency generally ranges from 4 to 60 times per minute.


As the elderly grow older, they will experience physiological digestive insufficiency, and their gastrointestinal function will gradually weaken, and their digestive capacity will decrease accordingly. In addition, if they eat improperly or are stimulated by cold, they will have hiccups, all due to It is caused by the special physiological degeneration of the elderly.


There are also some more serious diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux inflammation, tumors, strokes, etc., which can also cause hiccups. In addition to hiccups, there may also be symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and stool problems.




Hiccups for a long time may be a problem

Hiccups for a long time (≥48h) are called “refractory hiccups”, most of which are induced by diseases, such as chronic superficial gastritis, hiatus hernia, subdiaphragmatic abscess, etc. This requires us to be alert to the possibility of hiccups It is a reminder of these changes in our bodies.


01   Hiccups + weight loss, organ disease = cancer

Gastrointestinal cancers such as liver cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and cardia cancer. First, it affects gastrointestinal peristalsis, causing the air in the stomach and intestines to be difficult to discharge in time, which induces hiccups; second, the growing tumor invades the diaphragm and causes diaphragm spasm , Causing hiccups.

Therefore, when frequent hiccups are accompanied by symptoms such as weight loss, indigestion, and organ disease, you need to be vigilant.


02  Hiccups + abdominal distension and abdominal pain, burning sensation in the stomach = stomach disease

Gastrointestinal diseases will weaken the digestive function, leading to gastric emptying disorder, the air in the stomach cannot be discharged in time, and it will stimulate the diaphragm to induce hiccups. In addition, the patient’s intestinal flora will also change, leading to increased gas production in the gastrointestinal tract and increasing the probability of stimulating the diaphragm.

If frequent hiccups are accompanied by symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, acid reflux, heartburn, etc., it indicates that there may be chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and other diseases, and you should seek medical examination in time.

Probiotics can metabolize and produce organic acids to stimulate intestinal peristalsis, and eliminate harmful bacteria in the intestines by improving the intestinal immune defense barrier. Therefore, friends who have the conditions can properly supplement to regulate the health of intestinal flora.


03  Hiccups + numbness, language delay = stroke

Before a person has a stroke, the brainstem is ischemia, and the phrenic nerve and vagus nerve are stimulated to cause the diaphragm to spasm. Many patients suffer from refractory hiccups, and it is clinically found that refractory hiccups caused by stroke are more common in women.

Therefore, the elderly, especially elderly women, have frequent hiccups, accompanied by symptoms such as numbness of the limbs, language delay, and crooked mouth and eyes, which may be a sign of stroke and should seek medical attention immediately.


04  Hiccup + cough = pneumonia, bronchial asthma

The symptoms of respiratory diseases such as coughing and dyspnea will increase abdominal pressure, which will stimulate the diaphragm and cause hiccups. Therefore, when patients often hiccup on the basis of symptoms such as coughing, sputum expectoration, and difficulty breathing, they must be alert to diseases such as pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

In addition, in the process of fighting infection, the use of antibiotics or hormones such as azithromycin can also cause gastrointestinal reactions, resulting in diaphragmatic spasm and hiccups.


05  Hiccups + edema, abnormal urine = kidney disease

Renal failure will affect the metabolism of the entire body, causing discomfort to the diaphragm and vagus nerve, leading to frequent hiccups.


06  Hiccups + head trauma = nerve damage

Brain tumors and head trauma can stimulate the cranial nerves and reflexively cause phrenic nerve spasm, which can also cause hiccups.


07  Hiccups + delayed menstruation = early pregnancy

Hiccups are frequent in women in the first trimester. One is that the hormone levels and pressure levels in the body change after pregnancy, which triggers hiccups; the other is that stomach acid reflux often occurs in the first trimester, which leads to hiccups.

Therefore, when we have the above situations, we still have to keep an eye on it, be alert that hiccups may be warning signs of cancer, stomach disease, stroke and other diseases, and go to the hospital in time for medical treatment.





Physiological hiccups, you can try these methods


For physiological hiccups, how can we stop hiccups quickly?

Deep breathing and holding breath method (for those with poor cardiopulmonary function, use it with caution)

Method: Take a deep breath, then hold your breath for as long as possible, then exhale slowly, then exhale again, repeat 3-5 times. Or cover your mouth and nose with a paper bag/plastic bag and breathe several times, the principle is the same.

Principle: Increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body, stimulate the respiratory center of the human body, reduce nerve excitement, thereby inhibiting diaphragmatic spasm.


Tongue pull

Method: Pinch the tongue and stretch it out.

Principle: By pulling the tongue nerve to reflexively stimulate the trigeminal nerve to reduce the tension of the vagus nerve, to stop hiccups.



Method: Use a cotton swab to scratch the soft palate at the top of the mouth.

Principle: Through the massage of the palate, a kind of anti-stimulus is produced, along the input path of the hiccup reflex, and then the conduction is terminated, so as to achieve the purpose of stopping hiccups.

Sublingual sugar method (use with caution for those with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance)


Method: Put a piece of sugar under the tongue and slowly melt it.

Principle: Melting sugar can stimulate the nerves in the back of the throat, interrupt the transmission of hiccup nerve signals, thereby inhibiting hiccups

Frightening method (use with caution for patients with hypertension and heart disease)


Method: slap the hiccuper suddenly to frighten him.

Principle: When a person is frightened, other unnecessary nerve excitement and muscle contraction will stop, including the hiccuped phrenic nerve excitement.


Bending over to drink hot water

Method: Drink warm water in several sips, and then bend over 90 degrees several times in a row.

Principle: The stomach is close to the diaphragm. Warm hot water can warm the diaphragm. Continuous bending can massage the diaphragm, help relieve the spasm of the diaphragm and achieve the purpose of stopping hiccups.


Knead Neiguan Point Method

Method: Press and rub the three fingers wide on the horizontal stripes of the wrist.

Principle: Neiguan point has the function of regulating the rise and fall of chest and abdomen qi. Pressing Neiguan acupoint during hiccups has the effect of lowering the upside-down direction of qi in the chest and abdomen, thereby alleviating hiccups.

Generally speaking, physiological hiccups don’t matter, but if hiccups occur suddenly or continuously over a period of time, we should pay attention to whether we are accompanied by other symptoms and check the risk of disease in time.

Therefore, hiccups are not a trivial matter. In our daily life, we must always pay attention to not eating too fast, eating too much cold or hot food, talking as little as possible when eating, taking more deep breaths, and avoiding hiccups from small things, after all. Hiccups all the time are also quite uncomfortable~



Long-term hiccups may be a sign of liver cancer?

(source:internet, reference only)

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