July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Why freeze our immune cells?

Why freeze our immune cells?


Why freeze our immune cells? If we unfortunately suffer from cancer in the future, we can also reawaken the cryopreserved cells and help us better fight cancer by expanding and transforming immune cells.

Why freeze our immune cells?



The human body’s immune system

There are many, many pathogenic factors in the environment we live in, such as various bacteria and viruses, which are thinking about invading the human body all the time. But don’t worry too much, because each of us has a strong immune system to protect us.

01  What is the immune system?

We often hear the term immunity in our lives. It is actually our vague understanding of the immune system-the stronger the immune system, the less likely it is to get sick; the stronger our immune system, the more sick we are The lower the probability.

02  So what exactly does the immune system do?

The main function of the immune system is to identify and eliminate pathogenic factors.

On the one hand, it is to remove external intrusive factors, such as foreign bacteria and viruses, on the other hand, it will remove the internal threats of our body, such as cells that are harmful to the human body due to mutations caused by various factors.

A strong immune system mainly depends on immune organs and immune cells to maintain. Our immune organs are where immune cells are produced. Our immune cells have a simpler name, that is, white blood cells. Our immune cells will continue to patrol the human body with the blood to remove various pathogenic microorganisms harmful to the human body and ensure the health of the human body.



The development of the immune system

01 Immunity is not static

As we age, our immune organs will continue to shrink, unable to produce enough new immune cells; and in this process, the types of our immune cells will continue to decrease, resulting in the types of mutant cells that we can eliminate Less and less, so many diseases will occur.

We can see that when we are young, our immune cells have the most types and can deal with various diseases. If you compare each disease to a lock, we have a variety of keys that can be paired to open the lock, so the problem can be solved.

However, as we age, there will be fewer and fewer types of cells. In this way, when there are more and more cells with different mutations, our immune system will not be able to target such diseases. In this way, diseases will occur, and the most important disease is cancer; on the other hand, if we cannot effectively eliminate senescent cells, the accumulation of senescent cells will also lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

02   Why are more and more cancer patients?

Because the incidence of cancer will continue to increase with age.

With the increase of age, the increase in the number of cell divisions makes more and more cancer cells, which increases the probability of cancer. As age increases, some cells will become senescent cells when there are not enough immune cells to clear them when it is time to be cleared. These cells will become senescent cells. They occupy a place but do not perform the corresponding function. Inducing the occurrence of diseases, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases is closely related to senescent cells.

When our immune cells function normally, they can protect our health. So how to preserve our immunity? This needs to mention our current latest technology-immune cell cryopreservation.



The effect of cell cryopreservation

Immune cell cryopreservation is a technology in which blood is drawn from the human body, and then the immune cells in the blood are separated, and then the immune cells are stored for a long time using ultra-low temperature.

At present, most of the cryopreservation of immune cells is stored in liquid nitrogen, and immune cells can be cryopreserved at an ultra-low temperature of -196 degrees Celsius for more than 20 years. And cryopreserved cells can still maintain their original role after being awakened, so that they can maintain their youthful vigor.


So what can immune cell cryopreservation do?

01  Fight against aging

First of all, when we are aging, send our immune cells back to the human body, so that these cells that still retain vitality can help us eliminate aging cells, delay the speed of our aging, and can play a role in beauty. .


02  Fight cancer

Secondly, the occurrence and development of our cancer is a long-term process. Before that, our cells will undergo mutations. When we return immune cells to the human body, immune cells can eliminate these mutated cells and reduce our cancer. The probability of occurrence.

If we unfortunately suffer from cancer in the future, we can also reawaken the cryopreserved cells, and help us better fight cancer by expanding and modifying immune cells. Moreover, the most cutting-edge technology in the field of cancer treatment is immunotherapy, which is currently considered to be the most promising way to overcome cancer.

Finally, cryopreserved cells can also help our immune system better protect our organs.




(source:internet, reference only)

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