July 26, 2024

Medical Trend

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Can lung cancer patients receive COVID-19 vaccine?

Can lung cancer patients receive COVID-19 vaccine?


Can lung cancer patients receive COVID-19 vaccine?  What key information patients and families need to know!

Can lung cancer patients receive COVID-19 vaccine?
The nCOVID-19 vaccine has not been available for a long time, and perhaps some risks have not yet been manifested. From a safety perspective, it is the most appropriate practice for lung cancer patients not to receive the COVID-19vaccine for the time being.

Since last week, Shanghai has initiated the registration of COVID-19 vaccination appointments for community residents over 60 years of age.


Among them, for 60-75-year-old community residents, through the community restructuring system registration appointment vaccination, to the designated community vaccination point for vaccination. Residents aged 76 and above will start vaccination in due course according to the schedule of vaccination.


There is no need to say more about the safety of the domestic COVID-19 vaccine. As the first batch of medical staff to be vaccinated, the editor not only has “antibodies”, but also has no obvious abnormalities in the body (except for a little sleepy, but it seems that regardless of whether the vaccine sleepy).


A Chinese doctor shared his experience as below: 

“In my daily work, I is one of the frequently asked questions about whether vaccines are suitable for individual vaccination.

As a respiratory doctor, I come into contact with lung cancer patients almost every day. Most of the patients in this group are over 60 years old. Although the willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine is strong, both the patient and the patient’s family have concerns about vaccination. What exists objectively, after all, is already suffering from lung cancer, receiving chemotherapy, targeted drugs or immunological drug treatment, whether it can be safely vaccinated, always feel at a loss.

Therefore, I combined with the existing scientific evidence to sort out information about COVID-19 vaccination for this special group of lung cancer patients.”


People who are not currently suitable for vaccinating the COVID-19 vaccine-special groups

Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people who are in the acute phase of fever, infection and other diseases, people suffering from immunodeficiency or immune disorders, and people with severe liver and kidney disease, drug-uncontrollable hypertension, diabetic complications, and malignant tumors.


Why are lung cancer patients not suitable for the COVID-19 vaccine?

At risk of vaccination failure

We all know that from research and development to marketing, vaccines need to undergo rigorous clinical trials to determine their safety and effectiveness. The COVID-19 pneumonia is coming fiercely, and most people are susceptible. Therefore, most of the people included in clinical trials for vaccines are generally healthy people, and the data is also based on generally healthy people.

This has led to a lack of clinical trial data on cancer patients, and it is impossible to determine the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine for cancer patients.

In addition, this vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, which has certain requirements for the immune level of the body. If the immune level is abnormal, rash vaccination may cause the vaccine to fail to play its anti-epidemic effect and cause the vaccination to fail.

This is why the current domestic informed consent form for COVID-19 vaccination also clearly indicates that vaccination contraindications include malignant tumors.


At risk of worsening the disease

The COVID-19 vaccine is an inactivated vaccine made through traditional technology, which means that the COVID-19 virus is killed, so that it loses its ability to infect and cause disease, but it retains its own “villain label.”

When people are vaccinated with the COVID-19 virus, it is as if they are infected with the COVID-19 virus. The body immediately activates the immune function and records this process.

If you are really exposed to the COVID-19 virus in the future, the body will immediately wake up “memory” and quickly produce antibodies to resist the COVID-19 virus and avoid the disease.

However, the “exercise” of the human body after vaccinating the COVID-19 vaccine and producing antibodies will consume part of its immunity, and lung cancer patients have weaker immunity than normal people, so the risk of vaccination is much higher than that of ordinary people. I am afraid that the vaccine will not be able to withstand the test of the immune system, which may lead to a variety of side effects and adverse reactions, and even cause the exacerbation of the original lung cancer. Therefore, it is not recommended for lung cancer patients to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.


Can early cancer patients undergoing radical surgery be vaccinated?

The answer is not absolute.

Although experts say that vaccination is not recommended for lung cancer patients, there is no relevant clinical trial data to support this view.

In addition, lung cancer patients undergoing radical surgical resection in the early stage (precancerous lesions, carcinoma in situ, microinvasion, etc.) can achieve the effect of clinical radical treatment of lung cancer after surgery, and the recovery of immunity after surgery is not significantly different from that of ordinary people. Therefore, If you are interested in vaccinating the COVID-19 vaccine, you can decide whether to vaccinate according to the evaluation of the doctor in charge.


In short, the COVID-19 vaccine has not been available for a long time, and perhaps some risks have not yet been manifested. From a safety perspective, it is the most appropriate way for lung cancer patients not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for the time being.


However, patients with early stage lung cancer who undergo surgical radical resection can decide whether to vaccinate under the guidance of clinicians.


(source:internet, reference only)

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