July 26, 2024

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Different blood pressure levels have different preferred exercise methods!

Different blood pressure levels have different preferred exercise methods!


Different blood pressure levels have different preferred exercise methods!  Hypertension exercise to lower blood pressure! 

For hypertensive patients, exercise must not be too greedy and fast, and must be gradual and orderly. You can start with walking and jogging with a small amount of exercise, and then slowly increase the intensity of exercise after your body adapts.

Exercise is an indispensable part of a healthy life. People who insist on sports are mostly bumpy. With the assistance of exercise, the flesh of the body resisted the action of gravity and gathered together to form the enviable biceps, abdominal muscles…

People who insist on sports are mostly open-minded, as if sports have taken away their sorrow and troubles…

Different blood pressure levels have different preferred exercise methods!

But for hypertensive patients, exercise always seems to be out of reach. They are worried that exercise will “overload” their bodies, and they may be in trouble if they accidentally develop headaches and dizziness.

If you think so, it would be a waste of a “pressure-reducing weapon.” In fact, for patients with high blood pressure, persistent exercise can relieve vascular pressure and is also a good way to “lower blood pressure”.

However, different blood pressure levels have different preferred exercise methods! What are the precautions during exercise?


Patients with hypertension: aerobic exercise is the first choice


Recently, the European Association for the Prevention of Cardiology (EAPC) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Hypertension Council published a consensus document on personalized exercise prescriptions for the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

Consensus recommends aerobic exercise as a first-line physical activity method for people with hypertension, which can help reduce the average systolic blood pressure by 4.9 to 12.0 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 3.4 to 5.8 mmHg.

Aerobic exercise refers to physical exercise performed by the human body under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply. Whether it is “aerobic exercise” or not, a simple measure is the heart rate. The amount of exercise that keeps the heart rate at 150 beats per minute is aerobic exercise, because blood can supply enough oxygen to the myocardium at this time.

Therefore, aerobic exercise is characterized by low intensity, rhythm, and long duration. Common aerobic exercises include: brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, skipping rope and so on.


In addition, consensus recommends that low and medium intensity strength training include isotonic training (can reduce systolic blood pressure by 4.3~6.6mmHg, diastolic blood pressure by 4.5~5.5mmHg) or isometric training (reduce systolic blood pressure by 0.5~6.9mmHg, diastolic blood pressure by 1.0~5.2mmHg) , As a second-line exercise treatment program.



Isotonic training

Muscle contraction shortening and relaxation alternate strength exercises, called isotonic training, can improve neuromuscular coordination. Such as weight-bearing squat, high leg lift, bench press, clean and jerk, etc.

Isometric training

Isometric training refers to a training method in which muscles are contracted when the ends of the muscles (starting and ending points) are fixed or overloaded. Such as plank support, static curling, etc.



Normal high blood pressure: Isotonic training is preferred

According to the “Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in China (2018 Revised Edition)”, the blood pressure level of 120~139/80~89mmHg is defined as the normal high blood pressure.

For patients with normal blood pressure and high blood pressure, isotonic training is the first-line recommended physical activity method, which can reduce systolic blood pressure by 1.7~4.7mmHg, diastolic blood pressure by 1.7~3.8mmHg, and blood pressure drop slightly greater than aerobic exercise.

01 Load high leg lift

Attention during exercise: Raise your upper arms and try to be as high as your shoulders; raise your thighs above level; keep your supporting legs stable.


02 Heavy Lunge

Attention during exercise: Take a big step forward with one leg; at the same time, lift the weight; keep the front and rear legs at 90 degrees; do not buckle the knee joint. For strength training aimed at lowering blood pressure, the intensity level should be moderate.

It is generally recommended to exercise at an intensity that can complete 10-15 movements. For example, if you carry a high weight and raise your legs, you can complete 15 at a time, then this is your suitable strength. If only 8 can barely be completed, the intensity is too high. The criterion for judging is that you do not feel uncomfortable, and you must not be too forceful.

In addition, pay attention to the rhythm of breathing. Don’t deliberately hold your breath in order to complete the action. A good breathing method is: exhale when exerting force and inhale when restoring.

You can follow the doctor’s advice to choose the exercise that suits you best, and arrange a combination of warm-up, strength and aerobic training. It is recommended that the time for each exercise should not exceed 30 minutes, and you should train three times a week. The two exercises should be separated by more than 48 hours.



Normal blood pressure: Isometric training is preferred

If blood pressure is normal, isometric training should be used as a first-line activity method. The expected blood pressure reduction effect is 5.4~8.3mmHg in systolic blood pressure and 1.9~3.1mmHg in diastolic blood pressure.

In patients with other cardiovascular risk factors, a combination of isometric training and aerobic exercise may be reasonable.

Plank support is a common type of isometric training, a self-weight training exercise that benefits very high. It does not require any equipment or a large field, and it can be trained anywhere.

Different blood pressure levels have different preferred exercise methods!

First, use the elbows and feet to support the ground, the forearm is perpendicular to the ground, the forearm touches the ground for balance and stability, and the rest of the body does not touch the ground;

Secondly, the shoulder blades keep sinking, the core is tightened, the rectus abdominis can be slightly curled, so that the spine is in a neutral position, and the body maintains a straight line from the side;

Finally, tighten the whole body muscles and maintain this posture as long as possible, until the body can’t support it and starts to shake slightly or the back is slightly sore.

Isometric exercises can be performed every day, each time duration is 5-10 minutes. When doing isometric exercises, it is very important to control breathing, it will affect concentration.



What to pay attention to during exercise?

01 Start exercising after the blood pressure drops to a safe level

High blood pressure encourages exercise, yes. Exercise can indeed lower blood pressure to a certain extent, and even for mild hypertension, exercise can replace antihypertensive drugs. But not all high blood pressure encourages exercise, or all encourage exercise right away.

If the blood pressure is higher than 160/100, then it is definitely not recommended to exercise immediately. It is necessary to lower the blood pressure below 160/100 through antihypertensive drugs, and exercise is recommended only if there is no headache, dizziness and other symptoms.


02 Make plans based on medical advice

It is important for some hypertensive patients with special conditions to conduct a physical assessment and seek medical advice before making an exercise plan.

Hypertension is accompanied by the following conditions, you need to consult a doctor for advice:

①Overweight or obese;

②Suffering from acute and chronic diseases of the heart and lungs;

③Symptoms such as chest discomfort or dizziness while walking;

④ Close relatives have heart disease before 55 years old;

⑤Take other drugs;

⑥ Smoking;

⑦ Uncertain about your physical condition.


03 Avoid two blood pressure spikes

Try to avoid the two peaks of blood pressure during exercise, one in the first few hours after waking up (6-9 in the morning), and 5-7 in the afternoon. Especially in the morning peak period, when the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is the highest, it is especially necessary to avoid it.

We can monitor our blood pressure at multiple time points throughout the day and choose our own appropriate time period to exercise.


04 moderate exercise intensity

Exercise intensity should be appropriate, maintain each exercise intensity for several days or 1-2 weeks before gradually increasing exercise intensity.

Breathing should be natural and easy during the whole exercise process, especially weight training can not hold your breath, holding your breath will cause your blood pressure to rise sharply.


05 Monitor blood pressure changes

Measure blood pressure before exercise, avoid exercise when blood pressure is too high, and monitor blood pressure changes at least 1 hour after exercise.


06 Pay attention to prevent sports injuries

Pay attention to the correct posture to avoid sports injuries. Pay attention to warm-up before exercise and relax after exercise.


07 Stop the exercise in time if an accident occurs

If the following situations occur during exercise, you need to stop the exercise in time and seek help from the nearest doctor: chest pain or chest tightness, dizziness or fainting, arm or jaw pain, obvious wheezing, irregular heartbeat, excessive fatigue.

For hypertensive patients, exercise must not be too greedy and fast, and must be gradual and orderly. You can start with walking and jogging with a small amount of exercise, and then slowly increase the intensity of exercise after your body adapts.

Finally, I want to remind everyone that hypertension is a comprehensive disease. It not only starts with regular exercise, but also pays attention to the balance of diet and nutrition, combined with necessary drug treatment, is the long-term solution.




(source:internet, reference only)

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