July 26, 2024

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Why do women lack the corpus luteum when doing IVF?

Why do women lack the corpus luteum when doing IVF?

Why do women lack the corpus luteum when doing IVF?

Why Luteal support is necessary when doing IVF? Why do women lack the corpus luteum when doing IVF?

In IVF clinics, each patient will learn about IVF in advance before entering the cycle to increase the success rate. In the process of understanding, it is strange to find that many people still need corpus luteum support after egg retrieval.

So Why Luteal support is necessary when doing IVF? Why do women lack the corpus luteum when doing the IVF? Let’s find out with you today, and before understanding why the corpus luteum is lacking, let’s first understand what is the corpus luteum.

Why do women lack the corpus luteum when doing IVF?

The so-called corpus luteum refers to the fact that once a woman ovulates, follicular fluid will flow out of the body, and the follicular wall will collapse to form multiple folds, the follicular granular cells, follicular inner membrane cells and blood vessels on the follicular wall will invade, and Under the action of luteinizing hormone, it quickly transforms into a gland-like structure rich in blood vessels. Because its color is yellow, it is called the corpus luteum, and the corpus luteum secretes progesterone.

So what is the use of progesterone?

During IVF treatment, patients must not ignore the role of progesterone, which has certain benefits for the success rate. Progesterone can promote the growth of the glands in the endometrium and the thickening of the endometrium, just like arranging a warm and comfortable home for the embryo, which is beneficial to the embryo implantation.

In addition to beneficial embryo implantation, progesterone can also reduce the excitement of the uterus, inhibit uterine contractions, and keep the uterus in a quiet environment to maintain pregnancy.

Progesterone has the last effect, which is to prevent the embryo from being rejected by the mother. From an immunological point of view, progesterone can also regulate the immune response and prevent the embryo from being rejected by the mother as a foreign body, thereby avoiding the occurrence of miscarriage.

Based on the above effects, it can be seen that the healthy growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy cannot be separated from the protection of progesterone, but if the corpus luteum secretes insufficiently, it is prone to miscarriage. The reason for the lack of corpus luteum in IVF is probably related to the following reasons:

In the process of ovulation induction, in order to avoid the early discharge of eggs, a certain amount of gonadotropin releasing J agonist will be used to inhibit the function of the pituitary, which will cause the level of luteinizing hormone to decrease, and then cause the luteal hypoplasia and luteal insufficiency, so Causes a drop in progesterone levels.

During the egg retrieval, because of the loss of a large number of granular cells, the effective components of the corpus luteum are correspondingly reduced, which in turn causes dysfunction. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement progesterone in an exogenous way, so as to increase the level of serum and local progesterone in the uterus and make up for the lack of corpus luteum.

If it is a frozen embryo transfer, because there is no follicle growth and corpus luteum formation in the artificial cycle, you must rely on exogenous progesterone supplementation to maintain embryo implantation and development. It is precisely because of this that doctors recommend the use of progesterone for corpus luteum support before embryo transfer.

Seeing this, I believe everyone also knows how important the corpus luteum is clinically in IVF. Therefore, at this time, follow the doctor’s advice to complete the corpus luteum support, so as to better complete the treatment and welcome the baby’s arrival

Why do women lack the corpus luteum when doing IVF?

(source:internet, reference only)

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