July 27, 2024

Medical Trend

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The Longest “Lockdown” City in the world: Melbourne Unblocked Now

The Longest “Lockdown” City in the world: Melbourne Unblocked Now


The Longest “Lockdown” City in the world: Melbourne Unblocked Now.

Australians get a haircut and get married in the middle of the night… the longest “Lockdown” city in the world  Melbourne unblocks. 

On  October 22nd. Comprehensive Australian media reported that due to the two doses of COVID-19 vaccination in Victoria, Australia, the target has reached 70%. The world has been closed for the longest time and Australia’s second largest city, Melbourne, on the 21st local time. The “unblocking” officially began at 11:59 p.m., and the people gradually entered a normal life.

According to reports, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in Australia in March 2020, Melbourne has been closed for 6 times, which lasted 262 days, making it the longest closed city in the world. After the ban was lifted, the residents’ lives gradually returned to normal to a limited extent. They could participate in a variety of outdoor activities, eat in, and visit relatives and friends under the premise of following the epidemic prevention measures.


Reports show that after the closure was lifted at midnight, many people lined up in front of the barber shop. There are also couples who choose to marry immediately after unblocking. In Melbourne’s bars, the crowd was also bustling.


The head of the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry stated that Victorian companies are eagerly looking forward to the next “milestone” of vaccination, hoping that more tourists can boost the Victorian economy in the coming months.


According to reports, Victoria will achieve 80% of its double-dose vaccination target on October 29 at the earliest, much earlier than the originally planned November 5.


The Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Retail Association, Paul Zahr, said it is very important for retailers to resume operations and transactions as soon as possible. He said: “Once the vaccination reaches 80%, the government should give businesses the green light and let us reopen the door. In the past 11 weeks, many small businesses have reached the brink of bankruptcy and they have no need and should not continue to close stores. “


According to reports, as travel restrictions within Victoria are about to be lifted, cross-state travel is gradually opening up.


From November, Victoria will cancel the COVID-19 quarantine requirements for overseas immigrants. By then, overseas travelers arriving in Australia will be exempted from isolation after receiving two doses of vaccine and the COVID-19 virus test result is negative.


According to reports, as of the 21st, there were 2,189 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19s in Victoria, Australia, and 16 COVID-19s died.




The Longest “Lockdown” City in the world: Melbourne Unblocked Now

(source:internet, reference only)

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