July 26, 2024

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Japan century-old hot spring resort: Bacteria exceeded the standard by 3700 times

Japan century-old hot spring resort: Bacteria exceeded the standard by 3700 times

Japan century-old hot spring resort: Bacteria exceeded the standard by 3700 times.

The famous century-old hot spring resort in Fukuoka, Japan was exposed to “only change the water twice a year”, and the bacteria content far exceeded the standard by 3700 times.

Located in Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the century-old hot spring hotel “Nikaichi Onsen Daimaru Besso” was found to have violated the prefectural ordinance based on the “Public Bathing Bath Law”.

However, the domestic hot spring industry “only changes it twice a year”, and the latest survey shows that the “Legionella (Legionella)” detected in the water is 3700 times higher than the standard value.

Japanese media reports pointed out that the hot spring hotel is even suspected of making false declarations on the frequency of water changes. Currently, Fukuoka County is discussing possible punishment under the “Public Bathing Area Law”.


Japan century-old hot spring resort: Bacteria exceeded the standard by 3700 times.


Japanese media reported that the century-old hot spring hotel “Daimaru Besso” in Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture not only changed the water twice a year, but the bacteria content far exceeded the standard by 3700 times. Shot on Twitter@SushiCujira

According to a report by Kyodo News on the 24th, Fukuoka Prefecture stated that tourists from other prefectures and cities who visited several facilities, including Daimaru Besso, complained of physical discomfort and went to the hospital for treatment.

At that time, although the relationship between tourists’ physical discomfort and the facilities had not yet been clarified, the Chikushi Health, Welfare and Environment Office inspected Daimaru Besso, one of the facilities that tourists had visited, in August last year.

The Yomiuri Shimbun and NHK reported that Fukuoka Prefecture stated that the hotel was believed to be used by people suffering from “Legion’s disease (according to Wikipedia, whose symptoms include coughing, difficulty breathing, fever, etc.)” One of the facilities. After an investigation by Fukuoka Prefecture, it was indeed detected that the Legionella in the hotel exceeded twice the legal limit.

The report pointed out that according to county regulations, if it is a circulating bath that is used continuously, the hot water in the pool must be completely replaced more than once a week, and the residual chlorine (chlorine) concentration in the hot water must be above 0.4 mg per liter.

However, this hotel only replaces the hot water twice a year and neglects to inject chlorine for disinfection.

However, Daimaru Besso explained at the time that the hotel’s frequency of changing hot water and adding chlorine were appropriate. Subsequently, the hot spring business was temporarily closed to clean the pipeline, and then reopened in the same month.

In late October, the industry inspected by itself and reported to Fukuoka Prefecture that Legionella had dropped below the standard.

However, when Fukuoka Prefecture sent people to investigate again in November, they found “Legionella” 3,700 times higher than the standard value.

After questioning, the business owner admitted at this time that the content of the explanation in August was actually false, and the illegal state has continued since 2019.

In this regard, Fukuoka Prefecture implemented administrative guidance to ensure that the hotel replaced hot water and added chlorine properly. At the same time, the industry also improved sanitation management and resumed business in late December last year.

As for the false declaration, in the “Public Baths Law”, there is a regulation that requires a fine of up to 2,000 yen (approximately NT$452) for false declarations. Currently, Fukuoka County is discussing whether to impose a fine in accordance with the “Public Baths Law”.

According to the information on the official website of Daimaru Besso, Daimaru Besso was founded in 1865 during the Edo period. Among the hot springs in Erkaichi, it is famous as a century-old hot spring inn, and Emperor Showa also stayed in this inn.

In response to the incident, “Yomiuri Shimbun” sent a reporter to interview, but Daimaru Besso said, “Because the president is away, I can’t respond.”

Japan century-old hot spring resort: Bacteria exceeded the standard by 3700 times

(source:internet, reference only)

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