July 26, 2024

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Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?

Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?


Science: Energy beyond your imagination! Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?

Taurine is an amino acid transformed from sulfur-containing amino acids. It is widely distributed in various tissues and organs in the body. It mainly exists in the interstitial fluid and intracellular fluid in a free state . named after its discovery. Taurine is added to common functional drinks to replenish energy and improve fatigue.


And a newly published study shows that the energy of taurine is beyond your imagination, and it may also have the effect of reversing aging and prolonging healthy lifespan.


On June 9, 2023, researchers from India’s National Institute of Immunology, Columbia University and other institutions published a research paper entitled: Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging in the top international academic journal Science .

The study suggests that taurine deficiency is a driver of aging. Supplementing taurine can slow down the aging of nematodes, mice and monkeys, and even extend the healthy lifespan of middle-aged mice by 12%.

Professor Vijay Yadav , the corresponding author of the paper , said that scientists have been trying to find the determinants of both longevity and healthspan, so that we can maintain longer health in old age. And this latest research suggests that taurine may be a kind of “magic medicine” in our body, helping us live longer and healthier.


Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?



Anti-Aging Molecules in Our Body

Over the past two decades, as humans live longer, scientists have learned that the aging process can be manipulated, and more and more scientists, technology companies, and technology companies have invested in research on interventions to improve the health of older adults .


Many studies have found that various molecules carried in the blood are associated with aging. Less certain, however, is whether these molecules are actively directing the aging process or just drifting passengers. If a molecule is a driver of aging, restoring its youthful levels would help us delay aging and extend our healthspan.


Taurine first came to the attention of Vijay Yadav ‘s team during his previous research on osteoporosis, where they discovered the role of taurine in building bone. Around the same time, other research groups found that taurine levels in the body were associated with immune function, obesity and nervous system function.


Vijay Yadav said that’s when we realized that if taurine regulates all these processes that decline with age, then the level of taurine in the blood could affect overall health and longevity.



Supplementation with Taurine Extends Lifespan


First, the research team looked at taurine levels in the blood of mice, monkeys, and humans and found that taurine levels drop dramatically with age. In humans, the taurine level of a 60-year-old is only about one-third of that of a 5-year-old.


Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?
Taurine levels decline rapidly with age



To further verify whether taurine deficiency is a driver of aging, the research team conducted large-scale experiments on mice.

They performed controlled experiments on nearly 250 14-month-old mice (equivalent to 45 years in humans) , and the results showed that taurine extended the lifespan of these middle-aged mice by 3-4 months, which is equivalent to human Specifically, taurine extended the average lifespan of female mice by 12%, and the average lifespan of male mice by 10%.



Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?Taurine supplementation significantly extends lifespan in middle-aged mice




Taurine supplementation in middle age may improve health in old age


To understand how taurine affects health, Vijay Yadav’s team collaborated with other aging groups to further explore the effects of taurine supplementation on the health and longevity of several species.


They examined various health parameters of the mice and found that mice supplemented with taurine for one year were healthier in almost every way at age 2 (equivalent to 60 years in humans) than mice not supplemented with taurine.


The research team also found that taurine inhibited age-related weight gain in female mice, increased energy expenditure, increased bone mass, improved muscle endurance and strength, reduced depression and anxiety behaviors, reduced insulin resistance, and promoted A younger-looking immune system, among other benefits.

In other words, supplementing with taurine in middle age not only made the mice live longer, but also gave them a healthier life.


At the cellular level, taurine improves many functions that normally decline with age, and taurine supplementation reduces the number of “senescent cells,” increases survival after telomerase deficiency, increases certain Stem cell populations in tissues, improved mitochondrial performance, reduced DNA damage, and improved cells’ ability to sense nutrients.


The research team also conducted experiments on non-human primates, and the results showed that giving taurine supplements to middle-aged rhesus monkeys daily for 6 months can prevent weight gain, reduce fasting blood sugar and liver damage indicators , increase bone density in the spine and legs, and improve immune system health.


Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?Taurine Improves Primate Health



Potential of taurine in the human body


The research team isn’t yet sure whether taurine supplements can improve human health or extend lifespan, but two experiments they conducted suggest that taurine does have this potential.


First, they looked at the relationship between taurine levels and about 50 health parameters in 12,000 European adults aged 60 and over. Overall, people with higher taurine levels were healthier, with fewer cases of type 2 diabetes, lower levels of obesity, lower rates of high blood pressure, and lower levels of inflammation.

While these data cannot yet establish a causal relationship between taurine levels in humans and health, these correlations suggest that taurine deficiency may contribute to aging in humans.


Taurine deficiency linked to poor health


Next, the research team tested in a second experiment whether taurine levels would respond to exercise, an intervention known to improve health.

They measured taurine levels in various male athletes and sedentary individuals before and after vigorous cycling and found that all groups of athletes (sprinters, endurance runners, and natural bodybuilders) and sedentary Taurine levels were significantly increased.


Exercise Significantly Increases Taurine Levels


No matter what a person’s condition is, their taurine levels increase after exercise, suggesting that some of the health benefits of exercise may be due to increased taurine levels, Vijay Yadav said .


The research team said that only a randomized clinical trial in a large population can determine whether taurine actually has health benefits.

Other potential anti-aging drugs, including metformin, rapamycin, and NAD+, are being considered for clinical trials, and taurine should also be considered, and has some clear advantages, as it is naturally produced in our bodies, It can also be obtained naturally through diet, has no known toxic effects, and can be enhanced with exercise.


Taurine deficiency a driver of aging


Finally, the research team demonstrated the anti-aging potential of taurine with two cartoons: taurine reverses the aging clock (left image) , and restoring taurine levels reverses aging (right image) .







Paper link :

Can taurine reverse aging and prolong life?

(source:internet, reference only)

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