July 26, 2024

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Young Organisms‘ blood can Delay Aging Prolong Life and Promote health

Young Organisms‘ blood can Delay Aging Prolong Life and Promote health


Young Organisms‘ blood can Delay Aging Prolong Life and Promote health. 

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found that the blood of young organisms possesses remarkable abilities to slow down the aging process, increase longevity, and enhance overall health.


As early as 2005, Irina Conboy and others from the University of California, Berkeley published a paper in Nature [1] , through ” parabiosis ” (artificially establishing conjoined “twins ” of young mice and old mice , so that they share blood, organs and environment) found that blood from young mice regenerated muscle tissue and liver cells in older mice, reversing the signs of aging.


This study triggered a research boom in ” exchange transfusion therapy ” . Since then, scientists have begun to study whether the blood of young people contains some special molecules that can be used as the “fountain of youth” for human beings, thereby achieving “rejuvenation”.


On July 27, 2023, researchers from Duke University, Harvard Medical School, and anti-aging research company Altos Labs published a paper entitled: Multi -omic rejuvenation and life span extension on exposure to Research paper on youthful circulation .

The research team connected young and old mice to heterobiosis (HPB) for 3 months , and continued to observe for 2 months after the connection was disconnected.

The results showed that this operation improved the physiological function of old mice, and also extended their lifespan by 10%, and the epigenetic age of their blood and liver was also significantly reduced, and this rejuvenating effect was achieved after 2 months. still persists.

This study reveals that long-term heterobiosis (HPB) leads to long-lasting epigenetic and transcriptome remodeling, ultimately leading to increased lifespan and healthspan, as well as improved health.


Young Organisms‘ blood can Delay Aging Prolong Life and Promote health



Dr. Steve Horvath is one of the most internationally renowned experts in the field of anti-aging.

He first proposed and designed the ” epigenetic clock ” in 2013, which tracks the biological age of humans and other mammals through DNA methylation.

The study of the biology of aging provides extremely important tools. In 2022, Dr. Steve Horvath joined the anti-aging research company Altos Labs .


A few years ago, Steve Horvath stated in an interview that young blood is the most likely to achieve slow aging . Young blood has a strong influence on the epigenetic clock.


Steve Horvath is also a co-author of the paper published in Nature Aging .


” Heterochronic parabiosis ” (HPB) refers to a state in which two living animals (one young, one old) are surgically joined together to form a single shared circulatory system.

Allosymbiosis has been shown to functionally rejuvenate certain mouse tissues, but its overall effects on biological age and long-term health are unknown.


This latest study shows that allosymbiosis slows down the aging process at the cellular level and extends the lifespan of aged mice by 10% .

And, the longer the blood circulation was shared between the two animals, the longer the anti-aging effect in older mice lasted after their connection was broken.


James White , an assistant professor at Duke University School of Medicine and corresponding author of the paper , said that this is the first evidence that allosymbiosis can slow down the rate of aging, while extending lifespan and promoting health.


Previous studies have demonstrated anti-aging effects on tissues and cells of aged mice after three weeks of parabiosis.

These studies found that older mice became more active and energetic, and their tissues showed signs of rejuvenation. But is this anti-aging effect short-lived or sustainable?


In order to further verify whether the anti-aging effect brought about by allosymbiosis can be sustained, the research team performed allografts on 4-month-old young mice (equivalent to 18 years in humans) and 2-year-old mice (equivalent to 50 years in humans). Symbiotic connection.

This time, instead of connecting for 3 weeks as in previous studies, they connected for 12 weeks (which is equivalent to 8 years in humans) .


The results showed that the aged mice showed improved physiological function and lived 10% longer than mice that did not undergo parabiosis.

At the cellular level, allosymbiosis significantly reduced the epigenetic age of blood and liver tissues and exhibited changes in gene expression inverse to aging.

Its rejuvenating effects persisted even two months after the connection was disconnected.


Young Organisms‘ blood can Delay Aging Prolong Life and Promote health



According to the research team, the transcriptome and epigenome profiles of the parabiosis mice showed an intermediate phenotype between aging and youth, suggesting a systemic multi-omic rejuvenation effect.

Furthermore, allosymbiotic aged mice exhibited changes in gene expression that were inverse to aging.


These findings suggest that young individuals benefit from a mix of components and chemicals in the blood that contribute to increased vitality, and that these factors may be isolated as factors that speed healing, rejuvenate the body, and prolong life in the elderly therapy.


James White said that this study reminds us that it is necessary to explore what factors in the circulation of young blood lead to this anti-aging phenomenon.

The factors driving this rejuvenation trend are important, but we still don’t know whether it is proteins, metabolites, or other substances that play a role? Did the young mice provide the new cells, or did the young mice simply buffer the old, aging-promoting blood? These are questions that need to be answered in future research.


It is worth mentioning that on April 21, 2023, the research team published a research paper entitled: Biological age is increased by stress and restored upon recovery on Cell Metabolism [3] .


This study demonstrates through “parabiosis” that biological age is “fluid” and can exhibit rapid changes (increase or decrease in biological age) in both directions , in humans and mice ( Biological Age) increases rapidly under various forms of stress, and this increase is reversed after recovery from stress.

These reversals occurred over a relatively short period of days or months, as assessed by multiple independent epigenetic aging clocks.


James White , co-corresponding author of the paper and an assistant professor at Duke University School of Medicine , said that previous studies have hinted at the possibility of short-term fluctuations in biological age, but whether such changes are reversible has not been effectively explored.

More critically, the triggers for this change remain unknown.

This latest study, which uncovers fluctuations and plasticity in biological age, challenges the long-held notion that biological age only increases in one direction over the course of life .


Young Organisms‘ blood can Delay Aging Prolong Life and Promote health




Paper link :

1. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature03260

2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43587-023-00451-9

3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2023.03.015

Young Organisms‘ blood can Delay Aging Prolong Life and Promote health

(source:internet, reference only)

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