July 26, 2024

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Why do cancers sometimes appear in the same family?

Why do cancers sometimes appear in the same family?


Why do cancers sometimes appear in the same family?


 There may be two reasons:

1. Cancer does have the possibility of heredity. Due to the inheritance of familial gene defects, the chances of some people suffering from certain cancers will be greatly increased.


2. Similar lifestyle and living environment, especially some unhealthy living habits, such as unhealthy eating, less exercise, smoking, etc., or in the same high-incidence area of ​​gastric cancer and esophageal cancer, and at the same time subject to decoration pollution, etc., may cause Cause the same cancer to occur in the family.


Why do cancers sometimes appear in the same family?




These 5 cancers are relatively more genetic


1. Colon cancer:

20% to 30% of patients with bowel cancer have a family history. 20% to 30% of patients with colorectal cancer have a family history of various types of cancer.



If there is an immediate family member suffering from familial intestinal polyposis, the family member must go to the hospital for relevant examinations. If a family likes to eat meat and high-protein foods , the risk of colorectal cancer in the family will also increase.

The most important thing to effectively prevent colorectal cancer is to change the high-fat, high-protein, low-fiber eating habits, exercise actively, and maintain sleep. After the age of 45, a colonoscopy is performed every 5 to 10 years on average, and a fecal occult blood test can also be selected every year. People affected by genetic factors should be checked in advance.

If you often have blood in the stool, frequent stools, mucus stools, and abdominal pain, you should find out the cause in time.


2. Breast cancer: 2-3 times higher risk for daughters

Breast cancer has obvious genetic predisposition, especially among direct relatives. Generally speaking, if the mother has breast cancer, the daughter’s chance of getting breast cancer is 2 to 3 times higher than other women.



For women with a family history, the breast health examination should be advanced to about 30 years old, usually B-ultrasound examination before the age of 35; mammography after the age of 35, so as to detect breast cancer at an early stage.

Moreover, women with genetic predisposition should consciously carry out “breast self-examination” from the age of 20, especially after menstruation, they should do “self-examination” regularly to detect physical abnormalities in time.

In addition, women with family history should give birth as early as possible (before the age of 30) and breastfeed. Menopausal women should not use estrogen-containing drugs indiscriminately, so as to minimize the risk factors of breast cancer and reduce its incidence.


3. Gastric cancer: has a lot to do with genetics

The emergence of gastric cancer has a lot to do with heredity, and there is an obvious phenomenon of family aggregation. If at least two people in one or two generations of the family are affected, and one person is younger than 50 years old, and all patients are diffuse type, it may be hereditary gastric cancer.



Since the early lesions of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer are relatively hidden, regular gastroscopy is required to detect cancer as early as possible.

Family members of such patients can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, because a large amount of vitamin C and vitamin E can prevent the formation of carcinogens.

If symptoms such as upper abdominal pain, stomach fullness, and unexplained “thinning” often occur, you should go to the hospital for diagnosis as soon as possible.


4. Liver cancer:

children are primary prevention objects.

If the parents are diagnosed with liver cancer, the children should be targeted for primary prevention, because the vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus can easily lead to the tendency of family aggregation of liver cancer. Especially mothers who carry hepatitis B virus have a higher chance of developing liver cancer in their offspring.



There is a patient with liver cancer in the family. If his children suffer from viral hepatitis, he needs to have liver B-ultrasound + AFP every six months.

Usually do not eat moldy food; do not eat sprouted food, such as sprouted potatoes; do not eat fried food; quit drinking; do not take medicine or health care products indiscriminately.


5. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: obvious family genetic tendency

The incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma has obvious ethnic susceptibility, regional aggregation and family tendency.



People with a family history of nasopharyngeal carcinoma are advised to check for Epstein-Barr virus regularly. Diet should pay attention to avoid eating pickled food (pickles, salted fish, etc.), often eating pickled food will increase the incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer by 2 to 7 times.

At the same time, pay attention to smoking cessation and avoid second-hand smoke and other harmful smoke, such as kerosene lamp gas, insecticide aerosol, formaldehyde, etc.

If you find bloody nasal mucus or spit bloody nasal mucus after nasal suction, as well as unexplained cervical lymph node enlargement, middle ear effusion, etc., you should do a detailed nasopharyngeal examination in time.



Top 7 Cancer Screening Methods


Since most malignant tumors have no symptoms or are difficult to detect in the early stage, cancer prevention physical examination has become a physical examination method for effective intervention and management of high-risk groups and those with abnormalities.

As long as according to one’s own situation, regular physical examination can not only improve the early diagnosis rate of malignant tumors, but also reduce the death caused by cancer.


Cancer Screening:

  1. Lung cancer: Chest low-dose CT examination
  2. Liver cancer: B-ultrasound + alpha-fetoprotein
  3. Breast cancer: Breast ultrasound + key target
  4. Colorectal cancer: Colonoscopy/Sequential Screening
  5. Upper gastrointestinal cancer: Gastroscopy/sequential screening
  6. Prostate cancer: Color Doppler ultrasound+PSA
  7. Cervical cancer: HPV+TCT




Why do cancers sometimes appear in the same family?

(source:internet, reference only)

Important Note: The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.