September 14, 2024

Medical Trend

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Revolutionary Magnetic Hydrogel Speeds Diabetic Wound Healing

Revolutionary Magnetic Hydrogel Speeds Diabetic Wound Healing

Revolutionary Magnetic Hydrogel Speeds Diabetic Wound Healing

Newly Developed Magnetic Hydrogel Accelerates Wound Healing by Exercising Skin Cells.

Diabetic patients often suffer from chronic skin ulcers on their feet, which are known for their slow healing, sometimes leading to severe infections and even amputation.

According to reports, a novel magnetic hydrogel can speed up the healing of such wounds by threefold, potentially preventing such dire consequences.

Diabetic foot ulcer patients are typically advised not to apply any weight on their wounds, as it can kill fragile newly formed skin cells, hindering the healing process.

However, some mechanical stimulation to the skin can promote the growth of new skin cells and aid in wound recovery.

Recognizing this paradox, scientists at the National University of Singapore have created this special water-based hydrogel.

The newly developed material contains tiny magnetic particles and two types of FDA-approved skin cells: keratinocytes, which play a critical role in skin repair, and fibroblasts, which form connective tissue in the skin.

When the wound area is exposed to a dynamic magnetic field generated by an external device, the magnetic particles react by moving gently, and the cells move in response. These cells interact with the patient’s own skin cells, essentially providing them with gentle yet effective exercise.

Revolutionary Magnetic Hydrogel Speeds Diabetic Wound Healing

The injured foot is placed into a magnetic stimulation device for two to three hours of treatment, image source: National University of Singapore

In tests conducted on mice, the gel therapy increased the growth rate of dermal fibroblasts (the main type of skin cell) by approximately 240% and boosted collagen production by over double. The treatment also improved communication between keratinocytes and other cells, promoting the growth of new blood vessels at the wound site.

“The combination of magnetically responsive hydrogel with wireless magnetic-induced dynamic mechanical stimulation addresses a fundamental challenge in wound healing,” said Dr. Shou Yufeng, co-first author of the study published in Advanced Materials. “The underlying principles and the adaptability of our technology, along with its general usability for patients, mean it can be applied to enhance wound healing in various situations beyond diabetes, including burns and chronic non-diabetic ulcers.”

Researchers from Nanyang Technological University, Sun Yat-sen University, Wuhan University of Technology, and the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research also contributed to this study.

Revolutionary Magnetic Hydrogel Speeds Diabetic Wound Healing

(source:internet, reference only)

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