July 26, 2024

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Two cups of coffee daily may reduce deaths caused by liver cancer

Two cups of coffee daily may reduce deaths caused by liver cancer


Two cups of coffee daily may reduce deaths caused by liver cancer.   1.2 million people die of liver cancer each year in the world. 

A number of studies in the past few years have shown that drinking coffee on a regular basis can bring many health benefits. One of the notable benefits is that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of liver cancer.

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the head of the four major medical journals, also published a review paper entitled: Coffee, Caffeine, and Health. The paper pointed out that a large amount of evidence suggests that drinking coffee does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day is associated with a reduction in the risk of several chronic diseases.

Two cups of coffee daily may reduce deaths caused by liver cancer

Among all malignant tumors, the incidence of liver cancer ranks sixth in the world, and the mortality rate ranks fourth in the world. According to the “Global Burden of Disease 2016” data, the number of deaths due to liver cancer worldwide in 2016 was 1,240,201.

Coffee can reduce the incidence of liver cancer, so how will increasing coffee consumption affect the global incidence and mortality of liver cancer?

In August 2020, multiple Australian research institutions collaborated to publish a research paper titled: Estimates of the global reduction in liver disease-related mortality with increased coffee consumption: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Dataset in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. .

The paper analyzed the global burden of disease data set and showed that as coffee intake increases, liver cancer-related death rates decrease globally.

Specifically, if everyone in the world drinks at least two cups of coffee a day, the number of deaths due to liver cancer in the world will be reduced by more than 450,000. If everyone drinks at least four cups of coffee a day, the number of deaths due to liver cancer will be reduced by 72 10,000 or more.

Two cups of coffee daily may reduce deaths caused by liver cancer


The amount of coffee consumed per person per day in all regions of the world

From the statistical data, in Europe, South America, Australia and New Zealand, each person consumes more than 2 cups of coffee per day. Among them, Scandinavia in Europe has the most, with more than 4 cups per person per day. From a global perspective, the average person is less than 1 cup per day.

Researchers found through statistical data that drinking two or three cups of coffee a day can reduce a person’s risk of liver cancer by 38%, and the risk of liver cancer death by 46%. When drinking four cups of coffee a day or more, the risk of liver cancer is reduced by 41%, and the risk of death is reduced by 71%.

Next, the researchers wanted to know what would happen if everyone in the world started drinking two or more cups of coffee a day.

Researchers studied the data in the “2016 Global Burden of Disease” data set and extracted statistics related to liver cancer. They found that the number of deaths from liver cancer in 2016 was 1,240,201.

The researchers then searched for statistics on drinking coffee and added these two sets of data to a model that showed the link between drinking coffee and reducing liver cancer. The model shows that if everyone in the world drinks two cups of coffee a day, the number of deaths from liver cancer will decrease by 452,861, and if everyone drinks four cups, the number of deaths will decrease by 723,287.
Therefore, the research team believes that the government and health institutions should start to encourage coffee consumption in order to reduce the incidence and mortality of liver cancer.

As we all know, China is a major liver cancer country. 55% of the world’s new liver cancers each year come from China, while the total population of China only accounts for 20% of the world’s population. For Chinese people, they prefer to drink tea. Coffee consumption is far less than tea consumption.

Coincidentally, on January 8, 2020, the team of Academician Gu Dongfeng from Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (currently acting vice president of Southern University of Science and Technology) published a paper in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Long-term follow-up studies have shown that drinking tea at least three times a week is associated with healthier and longer life expectancy.

Two cups of coffee daily may reduce deaths caused by liver cancer

These two studies show that whether it is coffee or tea,  drinking in moderation is beneficial to health and longevity.




(source:internet, reference only)

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