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How to completely cure fasciitis?

How to completely cure fasciitis?


How to completely cure fasciitis? Fasciitis is usually caused by excessive fatigue, trauma, cold wind attack, or improper sleeping position.

How to completely cure fasciitis?



What are the symptoms of fasciitis:

Fasciitis is clinically manifested as pain at the site of the disease, mostly soreness and discomfort, muscle stiffness and stagnation, or a feeling of heavy pressure, and sometimes palpable degeneration of myofascial membrane and fiber nodules under the skin. Symptoms worsen in the morning or after changes in weather and cold, and the pain is relieved after exercise. During an acute attack, local muscle tension, cramps, and limited activity.

How to completely cure fasciitis:

Fasciitis is usually caused by excessive fatigue, trauma, cold wind attack, or improper sleeping position. Treatment of fasciitis requires rest to improve and relieve symptoms, and local massage and hot compresses can be used to speed up metabolism and reduce irritation. Eat some fruits and vegetables appropriately, and eat less greasy foods, mainly light ones. To supplement nutrition, you should also exercise more with the ash compress (Gushun, Futang, Fascia Paste), go for a walk more, and chat with others to relax. Properly strengthen the exercise of the muscles, it is recommended that you can sit firmly On the chair, with the back of the chair, stretch the neck and thoracic spine backwards, forcefully expand the chest 2 times with an interval of 5-6 seconds. This exercise can be done 3 times a day, each time 15-20 minutes, it has The role of treatment and prevention of fasciitis.


Fasciitis prevention:

When fasciitis is severe, the pain will increase, and there will not be much problem by itself, and it will generally cause a decline in the quality of life. When the body is stimulated by external adverse factors such as wind and cold, fatigue, trauma or improper sleeping position, it can induce an acute attack of fasciitis.

Fasciitis has severe pain in the acute stage, but generally fasciitis has severe pain, but the pain lasts for a long time, so patients should not worry too much. Pay attention to keep warm, rest more, do not overwork and frequently bend over, eat more esophagus rich in high-quality protein, trace elements and vitamins, choose fresh fish, milk, animal liver and kidney, black sesame seeds, eggs, tofu, etc.

Pay attention to exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less spicy and irritating, and eat less raw and cold foods.



(source:internet, reference only)

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